
A corporate or political organisation will come to your rescue. When you can't make any progress on your own, enlist the services of an executive or community leader. You'll be amazed how quickly things move once you join forces with an influential power broker. It may be necessary to listen more than you speak. Let others do the talking while you observe the procedure. You'll learn some valuable techniques. Taking a more considered approach to conflict will increase your success rate.

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Adopting a spiritual practice can be helpful. You're a highly practical person. Solely focusing on material matters can be discouraging. You want to perceive a larger plan that unites all creatures, great and small. This could mean joining a religious organisation. Alternatively, you may decide to devote a few minutes each day to saying prayers of thanks or performing random acts of kindness. Find a way to express the side of yourself yearning to transcend concerns about money and status.

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Overhauling your health regime is strongly advised. Taking better care of your body will give you an attractive glow that is impossible to ignore. Make a commitment to take regular exercise. Prepare nutritious meals that can be enjoyed throughout the week. Get plenty of sleep. When you treat your body like a precious resource, your energy will soar. Suddenly, you'll have the ability to accomplish tasks that previously exhausted you. Prepare for your productivity to soar.

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Extend an olive branch to a rival. You are very different people with opposite strengths. When kept apart, you struggle. When joined together, you'll accomplish great things. Resist the temptation to discuss sensitive subjects like religion and politics. It's better to exchange book, movie and music recommendations. You'll discover some exciting artists as a result of this friendship. Lately, you've been caught in a rut. Expanding your intellectual horizons will be a pleasant change of pace.

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Changes are occurring to your work life. It may be necessary to accept different hours or assume more responsibilities. Fortunately, these transitions will work in your favour. You'll have more time and energy for your favourite hobbies. Best of all, it will become easier to stay fit. Getting exercise at the start or end of each day will brighten your outlook. Even the most troubled relationships will become more relaxed. It's easier to cope when you have a physical outlet for stress.

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Working with your hands will be a source of pleasure. Tactile materials like fabric, wood and clay set your imagination on fire. Don't be surprised if the fruits of your labour attract romantic interest. Someone who admires your work will ask for a date. If you're single, take the plunge. You'll feel a strong kinship with this fan. Do you have a partner? An artistic collaboration will pave the way for a passionate encounter. Obey your sensual desires.

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Making changes to your household routine will be refreshing. If you live with relatives or roommates, delegate chores to them. There's no reason you should do all the cooking, cleaning and shopping. Are you on your own? Think about hiring some help. Coming home to an orderly, clean environment will be a relief. Instead of collapsing into an exhausted heap, you'll be able to devote energy to friends and hobbies. There's more to life than responsibility. Fold some fun into the mix.

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Changing the way you cope with stress will make you much happier. Instead of worrying about the future, cultivate contentment. Living in the moment will give you deeper appreciation for your blessings. You'll become more affectionate with loved ones and spend more time on hobbies. Instead of tolerating toxic people, you need to weed them out from your life. It will no longer be possible to pressure you into doing thankless tasks. You'll be more vigilant about leading a rewarding life.

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You can improve your financial situation by making changes to your personal life. Whether this means moving to a smaller place, sticking to a strict budget or selling items you no longer want is immaterial. The important thing is to envision the life you want and then move in that direction. You've never been especially materialistic. Owning a lot of status symbols seems utterly meaningless. Save your hard earned money for the things you love: travel, pets and books.

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Overhauling your image will be rewarding. In the past, people viewed you as a stern taskmaster. Being more encouraging will improve all your relationships. Family life will become more pleasant, friendships will be made with colleagues and neighbours will become a source of help. If you're emerging from a terrible period, think about relocating. Moving to another neighbourhood will give you a chance to make a fresh start. Never underestimate the therapeutic effect of different surroundings. It's easy to reinvent yourself when you're not constantly confronted by unpleasant memories.

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Your creativity is flowing freely. Take a few moments from your busy schedule to write, cook, garden or design. Expressing your artistic side will be liberating. It will also attract moneymaking opportunities. Someone who is impressed with your ingenuity will offer you a job. Working as an independent contractor appeals to you. As far as you're concerned, there's nothing so tiresome as working under the gimlet gaze of a micromanager. It's time to spread your wings and fly.

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Joining a group will have a transformative effect. Instead of trying to attend to all the aspects of a complicated job yourself, you'll be able to focus on your area of expertise. Best of all, you'll meet some exciting new friends. You're especially drawn to a seasoned expert who is very modest. If you play your cards right, you'll learn some valuable skills from this master. Follow their lead and don't question their methods. This relationship will mark a turning point in your career.

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