
You long for a holiday but may not be able to take one. You're the only person capable of performing certain jobs. It's time to train at least two people to take over when you're away. Although you enjoy your exalted status, it's putting undue pressure on you. Relinquish control and let someone else take the reins. If you don't get a break, you'll suffer burnout. You'll become much more productive when you strike a healthier balance between work and play.

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Be careful about the company you keep. It's important to be surrounded by successful people who support your goals. You're tired of propping up emotional vampires. If this means cutting off some relationships, do so. You shouldn't waste any more valuable energy and resources on irresponsible people. There is a difference between laziness and bad luck. People who've experienced terrible breaks generally rally after recovering from shock.

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Having to enforce rules will make you unpopular, but it can't be helped. Bending regulations now will create a dangerous precedent. Be ready to confront an authority figure who continually ignores procedures. Allowing them to flout convention will create resentment among the ranks. It's always difficult to be the enforcer. Some will accuse you of being a nitpicker, while others will claim you are too lax. You simply can't win, so just carry out your job. Stop worrying about public opinion.

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Every time you watch the news, you learn about another horrific story unfolding. Take a break from current events, especially broadcast media. The truth about humankind is much more nuanced. Every day, people are working hard to make the world a better place. These small acts of kindness are often overlooked. Make it your mission to bear witness to these heroes. Thank those who try to make our time on Earth as pleasant as possible. Even small gestures should be recognised.

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Try to live within your means, even if you have to stick to a shoestring budget. You can find an additional source of income, but it will take time. Until then, make it your mission to keep debt to a minimum. If you're overwhelmed with bills, contact a money manager. Together, you can craft a strategy to get back in the black. It will be necessary to explain to a youngster or romantic partner that money will be tight for the near future.

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A close relationship has become unequal. If you have become a parent figure to your best friend or romantic partner, it's time to rectify matters. Encourage our loved one to become more self reliant. Are you the one who is playing second banana? Take control of the situation. Stop deferring to your nearest and dearest. Start asserting your desires. You have a right to be heard and call some of the shots. Don't tolerate being treated like a second class citizen.

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Health concerns are undermining your productivity. Take this opportunity to get a medical consultation. Changing your habits will be annoying, but it is critical to your well being. Develop strategies for dealing with temptation. Having a supply of nutritious snacks can be helpful. If you're struggling with addiction, make entries in a personal notebook. Expressing your feelings in a safe place can be therapeutic. You're tired of always suppressing anger and sadness.

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The demands of children or a romantic partner are wearing on your nerves. Break the habit of meeting their every need. Make more time for your favourite activities. If that means saying 'no' to requests for help, so be it. Encourage your nearest and dearest to become more self reliant. You shouldn't be their sole source of entertainment. If money is tight, everybody should be encouraged to find some inexpensive diversions. Find some inexpensive ways to pass the time.

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You feel like a prisoner in your own home. It's important to get out and enjoy some fresh air. If there is a lot of housework to do, enlist the aid of roommates and relatives. You might even want to hire a cleaning service to handle the heavy jobs. The best way to stop feeling overwhelmed is to take ownership of a difficult situation and start moulding events to your liking. As soon as you make a phone call or ask for help, the anxiety will start to lift.

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Try not to be consumed by negative thoughts. If life seems dark, you have to re-focus. Make a list of ten things for which you are grateful. Slowly, you'll stop feeling desperate. You'll begin to perceive opportunities where you once encountered brick walls. Taking a course will be a welcome diversion from responsibilities. Set aside time in your busy schedule for fun. Responsibilities will be fulfilled in due course. Stop putting pressure on yourself; it is doing more harm than good.

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Your bank balance isn't a reflection of your true worth. If you're wealthy, it doesn't mean you are better than anyone else. If you're struggling, you're still valuable to the group. Stop putting so much emphasis on making money. Devote more time to your favourite people and activities instead. Working for a non-profit organisation will cultivate happiness. No matter what cynics say, you can't put a price on joy. A moneymaking opportunity will have some strings attached, so be prepared.

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You're tired and irritable. Putting on a false front has been exhausting. It's time to let down your guard and ask for help. Compassionate people won't think less of you for admitting your vulnerabilities. On the contrary, they'll try to give any assistance they can. If someone dares mock you, they will be bringing shame upon themselves. You've always been quick to comfort friends, neighbours and colleagues. There's no shame in asking for similar consideration. We're here to help one another.

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