
Your attempt to venture into new territory will be thwarted. It's difficult to accept defeat, but you must. The powers that be are simply too strong to resist. Instead of beating your head against a brick wall, channel your frustrations into a diary. These entries can be later transformed into a compelling novel. You can turn a setback or disappointment into a radiant victory, but it will take patience. Breathe deep and stay positive. Keep your distance from a colleague who is good friends with the boss.

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An embarrassing secret will come to light, affecting your reputation. Somebody who once admired you will now turn away in dismay. Instead of trying to win their affection again, lay low for a wee while. You'll make a much better impression by letting your actions speak for themselves. There is a chance this relationship is beyond redemption. If your former friend decides to keep their distance, you will have no other choice than to respect their feelings. Better luck next time.

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It will be impossible to reform an outmoded institution or law. Although this comes as a bitter disappointment, you will have to accept the status quo. Part of you wants to adopt radical tactics to protest this decision. When it comes right down to it you're better off working within the confines of this flawed system. Fortunately, you're very versatile and can develop creative ways to play by the rules while highlighting their idiocy. Living well is the best revenge.

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No matter how hard you try to resist it, change is coming. A beloved leader is leaving your midst and you're left with someone who is considerably less talented. This may be a sign you must find another position. Before handing in your notice, wait and see if you can survive under the new regime. If you can't, you will at least be able to say you tried to adapt. This may be the Universe's way to force a better way of life on you.

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A school or religious institution won't bend its rules for you. It looks as if you will have to live with what you consider to be an unfair practice. That's a bitter pill to swallow, but lots of other people have had to put up with this situation. There's no reason you should be an exception. If you can't gain admission into an exclusive organisation, you may want to set yourself a different goal. It's important for you to find a way to share your unique gifts with the world.

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You will be deprived of your fair share of a joint bank account. This comes as a terrible disappointment, but you don't have any recourse. The deck is stacked against you. Rather than cursing your bad luck, find a way to become independently prosperous. You have strong communication skills and can land an impressive job in the publishing, educational, or legal field. It's just a matter of crafting a good CV and practicing your interviewing skills. Onward and upward.

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A partnership is falling apart at the seams. You will have to break off a relationship with someone who refuses to compromise. While it makes you very sad to give up on this union, there is no other choice. Your well being depends on being able to pursue your own dreams. Being with a person who constantly mocks and undermines your efforts will prove poisonous. Summon your courage and move towards the light. You deserve better than being at another person's beck and call.

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Beggars can't be choosers. If you're unemployed, you'll have to take a job that seems distasteful. Take comfort in the knowledge this opportunity will lead to a better job. Right now you have to get back into the job market. You'll acquire some valuable skills as a result of this position. Unfortunately, your teacher will be demanding and arrogant. Overlook these shortcomings for the sake of your own interests. Passing this class will dramatically improve your earning potential.

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There simply isn't the money to fulfil a cherished dream. Instead of following your star, you'll have to take a practical approach to life. Getting a regular job will feel like death at first. If there's anything you hate, it's following a predictable schedule. It's important to establish your financial independence. Relying on the kindness of relatives robs you of dignity. Don't worry. Happier times will come, once you put some money into savings. Get your priorities straight.

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Your family is a source of incredible anxiety. No matter how hard you try to help a troubled relative, your efforts will be blocked. There is no other choice but to back away. It breaks your heart to give up on a troubled individual, but there is no other choice. Your efforts are harming your personal life, costing you money and happiness. Instead of staying where you are not wanted, turn your attention to someone who craves your company.

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Traffic delays and technological breakdowns will impede your progress. As a result, you may not be able to get the help you need from a government agency or medical institution. Try not to panic. A neighbour or relative will offer advice and assistance. It's not an ideal solution, but it will offer some relief. Set aside your pride and accept this kind gesture. The sooner you learn to lean on others, the happier you will be. There is such a thing as being too self reliant.

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Don't mix money and friendship, or disaster will ensue. If someone refuses to pay back a loan, you will have to launch a court case. Even then, you might not get back your hard earned cash. Let this be a lesson to you. Too often, people come to you for financial assistance, knowing you have a soft heart. The trouble is, whenever you need assistance, people are reluctant to come forward and help. You should be a lot more demanding and a little less giving.

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