
Spending more time at home becomes your first priority. If you're underwhelmed by your surroundings, enlist the aid of an artistic Libra to help decorate. Bright colours and interesting shapes will appeal to your fiery nature. Of course, you'll want to include a comfortable chair or two, just for the sake of relaxing. It will also pay to buy some soft sheets and towels. They'll cost a little more, but since you will use them every day, the added expense is justified.

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Keep things light and casual with someone you've just started dating. There will be plenty of time to make a serious commitment, provided the two of you fall in love. Right now, you're getting to know each other. Make the most of this fleeting period. Are you already in a relationship? Your amour may be in a foul mood. Don't let their negativity rub off on you. Taking a class will give you a new lease on life. You'll enjoy developing your innate artistic talent.

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Usually, you welcome change. Right now, you prefer to maintain the status quo. Holding down a steady job gives you a pleasant feeling of security. You have to admit, it's nice to know when your next paycheque is arriving. If you are unemployed, you have a marvellous opportunity to find a permanent position. This job might not offer you much intellectual stimulation, but you can find that elsewhere. Give thanks for finding employment. Many of your peers are still struggling to find work.

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You won't shy away from a confrontation. A bully who keeps trying to push your buttons will be shocked when you shove back. This showdown will inspire you to take up another challenge. Applying for a promotion will be the first in a series of steps towards the stop. You've been blessed with plenty of leadership ability. It's about time you got paid to use it. Are you thinking of launching your own business? This would be an ideal opportunity to do so.

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Spending quality time with a loved one will make you perk up like a watered plant. Lately, you've been making the round of parties. This has been stimulating but tiring, too. Scale back your social schedule and work in some quiet time instead. Snuggling up with an attentive lover will be a welcome change of pace. Are you single? Spend the day with a young person who has always admired you. Be sure to encourage their artistic ambition.

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Working with a team is rewarding. You enjoy nurturing your teammates, bringing out the best in them. You're especially drawn to a creative type who is very sensitive to their environment. By encouraging them to use their intuition, you'll see amazing results. A friend's birthday is coming up. Throwing a big party will be a great use of your organisational skills. Give careful consideration to what food you will serve and what music should be played. This could be the social event of the season.

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There's nothing wrong with demanding the best. In fact, people will respect you more if you set high standards. Feel free to send a job back if you aren't satisfied. Of course, it will help if you give specific instructions. Someone with your detailed vision should communicate their desires. A chance to run for public office will fall into your lap. Working for a political or civic cause will appeal to your diplomatic side. You're a master at negotiating deals that satisfy all sides.

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Embarking on an adventure comes as a relief. You're tired of doing the same thing day after day. Taking a trip overseas will cause you to look at a personal problem in a whole new light. There's no reason you can't find a new job if you're not happy in your current position. Seek an opportunity that will allow you to deploy your creative talent. It will be hard to find an employer who appreciates your extreme vision, but it can be done.

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You have very strong feelings about a flirtatious newcomer. If you are in a committed relationship, it will be difficult to resist temptation to stray. Stay true to your ethics, or you will hurt an innocent victim. Are you looking for love? Beware of diving into a passionate affair. It's better to wade into this relationship. It's especially important to keep your finances separate. It isn't time to lend money or buy expensive presents. Keep things casual while you're getting to know each other.

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You'll have to arbitrate a big fight. Don't let your family interfere with your personal life. If you're in a romantic relationship, your first loyalty should be to your partner. Allowing relatives to denigrate your beloved will create deep problems in both spheres. Are you single? It may be because you give too much credence to what your kin wants. You're better off cultivating your own taste. Ultimately, you could end up with somebody whose background is entirely different from your own.

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Working behind the scenes makes you feel productive and valued. Leave all the publicity stunts to your colleagues. They need the extra attention; you don't. You may not realise it, but your boss is well aware of your superior talent. Don't be surprised if you're given a promotion in the very near future. Meanwhile, focus on doing a good job with a painstaking project. Double check your work before handing it in, as points will be deducted for mistakes.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your playful side is coming out. Spending time with children will inspire a creative project. Painting, writing, dancing, or designing comes naturally to you. If you've always wanted to try your hand at something new now is the time to make your move. You don't need any formal training; just check out a guide book or instruction manual and have a go. Shopping for art supplies is one of your favourite activities. Don't be surprised when people start showing a romantic interest in you.

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