
You're becoming more reflective and analytical right now, seeking to adjust any imbalances in your life. Friendships will be a particular concern, as certain pals are draining you of valuable resources. It's important to set firm boundaries now, even if that hasn't been a problem in the past. The fact is, you're a little more vulnerable than usual. Opportunists will take advantage of this situation if you're not careful. Put up your guard.

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You won't accomplish much without the help of a partner this month. Unfortunately, a romantic or business associate is pushing you into the spotlight, which doesn't please you one bit. Rather than clinging to your laid-back ways, you've got to summon your passion. Otherwise, rivals will overcome you, especially in the workplace. Spend a little extra time on your appearance this month, as a polished image will open new doors.

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Adopting a humble attitude is the best way to achieve distinction this month. Look for unobtrusive ways to help others and resist the urge to show off. The more understated you are, the higher your star will rise. It's especially important to defer to mentors. Although you've never had any trouble mastering trivia, you've got to gain a deeper understanding of a few core subjects. Keep your head down and your eyes focused.

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Romance is in the air, but take care you don't confuse sex with love this month. Someone who is more interested in your body than your soul will stir the pot. Unless you see this situation for what it really is, you will risk heartbreak. Instead of setting your sights on an aloof rebel, focus on a shy admirer. You'll discover this wallflower has hidden depths. Learn the difference between skimmed milk and cream.

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A loved one is trying to convince you that your emotions aren't valid, but nothing could be further from the truth. Stop letting this person tell you what you should and shouldn't feel. Otherwise, you'll start doubting yourself, putting you at a distinct disadvantage. If you suspect a romantic or business partner of engaging in deception, do some secret research into their activities. You'll turn up some surprising information.

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You've got tons of practical ideas, but few people are willing to follow them. That's because they'd rather cling to silly dreams that will never come true. Rather than bashing your head against a brick wall, bury yourself in a course of study that will give you pleasure. There's no point in trying to win other people's approval when they're intent on going their own way. You'll find the sympathy you desire from a teacher.

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Exploiting your creative talents is an exciting prospect, but may not be easy. A lover or child may be jealous of your divided attention, and will start acting up as a result. Instead of giving in to these manipulations, pretend as though they're not occurring. Otherwise, you'll lose a golden opportunity. Normally, you're perfectly willing to put your needs aside for the sake of others. This time, you've got to stand your ground.

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Friends and family are discouraging you from pursuing a cherished goal. At times like these, you've got to summon your courage and go your own way. At first, you will feel as though you've been left out in the rain while everybody else is warm and dry indoors. If you remain persistent you'll see that staying true to your dreams is really the best strategy for achieving happiness.

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You want nothing more than to lick your wounds in a private corner, but it's not possible now. Insensitive relatives and neighbours demand your presence at a social gathering. It's better to be gracious than honest now. You never know when you'll need the support of these people. So put on your party shoes, plaster on a fake smile, and act as though you're having the time of your life. These are necessary evils.

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Keeping up with some flashy friends is an exercise in futility. If you're going to mix with a well-heeled crowd, you can't be consumed with jealousy. Focus on enjoying their company instead of envying their wealth. In the event you've made their acquaintance because of their success, back away a bit. You're better off surrounding yourself with people who you genuinely enjoy. Relationships have to be fuelled by affection, not greed.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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People can misinterpret your motives right now, which is extremely frustrating. You want to be seen as a self-assured expert, rather than a domineering bully. If you sense others are bristling at your directives, retreat. See what happens when you offer praise instead of orders. The best way to gain power is to earn the public's respect. Once you've done that, all of your other plans will fall into place.

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You're anxious to try something new, but you've still got unfinished business. Whether this means ending a stale relationship or breaking a bad habit is immaterial. The point is, you've got to make amends with the past before embarking on a new future. You'll be amazed at how stubborn obstacles melt into thin air once you face painful situations. Running away hasn't worked before, and it won't succeed now, either. Turn over a new leaf.

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