
If a love affair goes wrong, don't spend too long in recriminations. Instead of blaming yourself or your ex lover for the break up, accept this relationship wasn't meant to be. Be willing to move on. Similarly, if you feel any anger, resentment or antipathy towards a third party, your health will show the strain. In which case, a tough exercise regime will help burn off all this negative energy.

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If a promise of a new job or earning opportunity presents itself, don't hesitate to abandon other less lucrative outlets. Your financial situation is all set to make an upward turn and this should, naturally, delight you. If money has been the bane of your life recently, things can only get better. Admittedly you may have to wait a wee while before you feel the difference but the tide of fortune is turning in your favour.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Pay attention to details and be sure you cross every T and dot every I. Double check every point before signing off important work which cannot be changed once it passes on to the next stage. You might feel as if you have too much to do and too much responsibility. At least the casual and relaxed pace of the evening will give you a chance to unwind and forget all your worldly worries.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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If you've been finding it hard to understand a loved one, you need to find a fun and non-threatening way to talk about your feelings. Any changes within the family will cause upsets at first and your basic instinct is to resist change. This type of comfort is in maintaining what is familiar to you but you also know deep down it is time to break out of established routines and to give others the chance to try new ideas.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Try fitting a visit to an older relative or old friend you've not seen in a while into your day. You could be taken aback by how welcome they make you feel and they'll have plenty to tell you that you will find interesting. As a bonus, your visit will stand you in good stead for the future when you might need this person's help, advice or assistance. It never does any harm to foster existing ties.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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The key to happiness in your relationships is to mix with people who boost your spirits rather than sap your confidence! Quite unexpectedly you will gain the support of someone who has been more obstructive than constructive in the past. No great hassle will be involved in a team effort even if you were expecting others to be awkward with you. This is a good time to ask for favours from a person whose company often has an uplifting influence on your spirits.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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When all else fails you could always look towards someone who has never let you down before, for help! Whether your problem is deciding on a future career, course of study or possible move, there is someone who will be happy to give you some guidance. This person will not make your mind up for you but they will help you see your situation with more objectivity. New plans may affect your closest relationships and brings a need to make some emotional readjustments.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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To receive emotional support requires letting go of control and admitting you need some help. A group, mentor or counsellor could help you see things about yourself, your life or your situation that you've not noticed. It's all very well to keep a stiff upper lip but sometimes you have to look outside yourself when you have a problem. To keep negative emotions bottled up inside all you are doing is hindering your healing.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A cheerful, friendly atmosphere will inspire you to progress your social interests in a confident manner. Your example will inspire others to follow your lead with the result of a group effort rarely having been more efficient! Arrangements made with friends and associates go more smoothly than expected. Within the social scene there is a lot going on and you are likely to be master minding some of the activities!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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The sooner you start to think about your future, the better prepared you will be for it. Spend time thinking about what you enjoy, what things come naturally to you and what areas of your life are failing to give you any satisfaction. Imagine where you would like to be six months from now. The clearer the picture in your mind, the more obvious the path to achieve your goals will become. Bit by bit you will start to see a new pattern emerging.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A firm mental resolve will help you in your struggle to achieve your hopes and ambitions. You feel you are making progress in your main aims and your future looks a lot brighter. If you're single, you might enjoy the added bonus of meeting a new romantic partner. Even so, when it comes to new relationships, you are strongly advised to take your time.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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As a close relationship deepens and matures you might realise your needs and hopes are also changing. Whereas you may have entered this union with no definite expectations, you might now be hungry for something deeper. Much will depend on your own openness and honesty in regard to your partner. If you manage to get your true feelings across, you're more likely to achieve your romantic goals a lot easier.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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