
An opportunity to further your education will fall in your lap. Learning from a charming instructor will fuel your enthusiasm for your subject. In the past, you were reluctant to undertake a serious program of study. The thought of putting plans on hold for months or even years filled you with dismay. Now you realise the best things in life take time. Be willing to sacrifice some personal comforts for the long term benefits of an advanced degree. It's time to fulfil your potential.

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A legal decision involving a will, insurance policy or joint finances will be decided in your favour. Breathe a big sigh of relief and make some plans. If you're going to make some big changes, keep them secret. You don't want to give a rival any indication of what you're going to do. By making a fresh start, your mental and physical health will improve. You'll be able to escape the influence of a toxic person who enjoys making others miserable.

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Working with an ethical person will be a refreshing change. You're tired of being asked to do immoral things for the sake of profit. Joining forces with someone with humanitarian ideals will lift your spirits. It will also make you more successful. You'll develop a reputation for being a talented professional who always keeps their word. Slowly but surely, you'll start taking business away from a former employer who cuts corners and breaks promises. Given enough time, good always vanquishes evil.

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The power of positive thinking works well for you. Whether you have concerns about love, money or health, it's important to cultivate an optimistic attitude. If this becomes too difficult, engage in activities that make you happy. Baking, singing, dancing or reading will make anxiety vanish into thin air. Your happiness will attract the opportunities you want. It will also help you to view a stubborn problem in a different light. A perceived setback is actually a blessing in disguise.

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Fun should be your first priority. Resist the temptation to wallow in sadness. You have some exciting opportunities that are the envy of your rivals. By embracing these chances with a joyous and thankful heart, they will multiply. News of an engagement, marriage or birth will be a cause for celebrations. Stop telling yourself you're too busy with work to enjoy such frivolities. Splash out on a new outfit, attend these festivities and laugh with abandon. Happiness is a magnet for luck.

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Creating a comfortable home is critical to your happiness. If you don't have a gathering space where you can entertain friends and family, make one. Clear out a room that is cluttered with storage. Discard, donate and sell items you no longer use. Is your indoor space too cramped? Think about making an outdoor area where you can cook, eat and relax. Moving to a bigger place is another option. A relative with property connections may know of a spacious home that is perfect for your needs.

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A short trip will be invigorating. Getting a change of scenery helps you come to terms with a relationship or job that has run its course. Instead of clinging stubbornly to an arrangement that no longer works, you'll be able to graciously release it. Don't panic if nothing immediately fills this void. The Universe will make sure you have everything you need at any given time. By learning to live in the moment, you'll keep anxiety at bay. Best of all, you'll learn to be happy with less.

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You have good luck with money matters. Overseas ventures are particularly lucrative for you. If you've been looking for work, you will find a job at a company whose home base is located abroad. You might even get a chance to relocate to a foreign country. Expanding your horizons will be rewarding on every level. Not only will you enjoy the challenge of your new job, but you'll also benefit from a radically different lifestyle. You'll embrace a culture that doesn't put so much emphasis on material concerns.

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Your enthusiasm is contagious. Use this opportunity to take control of a project that has been withering on the vine. By encouraging everyone to put forth their best effort, you'll produce some impressive results that are the envy of your competitors. An experienced professional is happy to help with some inspired ideas. Together, they'll be able to create an innovative product or service that has long term benefits and everyone will experience the best of both worlds.

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If you're not sure which direction to take, turn your attention inward. Be quiet and listen to your intuition. At first, you'll hear a deafening silence. Be patient and remain receptive. Eventually, your inner voice will tell you what to do. Career advice will be especially potent. You may decide to take time off work to attend to domestic matters. Taking care of an elderly relative, ailing partner or infant will be a welcome change of pace. Don't worry; your career prospects will not suffer.

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A successful friend is encouraging you to take a risk. Follow their advice; you won't be sorry. Being bold and adventurous really will pay off. This is your chance to reach a whole new audience. Your ideas and suggestions will be so popular that you'll gain a new following. The people who appreciate your work are a little offbeat. Don't let that bother you. Your ability to connect with fellow visionaries should be a source of pride.

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If you're going to get ahead professionally, you have to take some risks. Conventional wisdom has never served you well. You do much better when you venture into unchartered territory. Think about serving a neglected portion of the community. Challenge the status quo's assumptions about what is beautiful. Offer an alternative to the most popular product. By addressing the needs of people who are on the fringes of society, you'll accidentally create a whole new fad.

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