
You feel people are being too inquisitive. Some are asking some searching questions. Before you react think about why they are asking. You've been keeping your plans close to your chest and those who are close to you feel they need to know what you are considering for the future.

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You would like to help a friend or relative who is giving you cause for worry. Whether they need a loan, advice or practical assistance, you are tempted to make an offer but at the same time, you aren't sure how they will take it. It might be better to wait until they ask rather than imposing it on them.

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Unexpectedly you will feel a need to have a good clear out at home or at work. This will surprise your family or colleagues who are used to you being able to work in all kinds of conditions. Very soon you will have achieved a great deal in simplifying your life and streamlining your work and you will feel far better because of it.

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If there is anything you don't understand regarding a financial or legal matter, you might sensibly decide to call in some expert help. It can be tempting to take short cuts but this will be expensive in the long run. Even if you aren't in the mood, paperwork needs careful attention.

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Some heavy responsibilities will fall on your shoulders. At first this will sound daunting and you might worry you won't be able to cope with it all. You will draw on past experience and manage brilliantly. Looking back you will realise you were ready to take on a new challenge.

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If there is some much-needed money to be made, don't just think about new possibilities. Be ready to take on a new venture before the opportunity goes to someone else. You must take action to get results and you do have the ability to do this. A new romance could brighten your life if you are single.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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The truth about an awkward situation will eventually come out but you won't be able to forget someone's words. Because of this, this friendship could be marred forever. At least make sure you think before you speak. Talk your worries through. You will get the chance to right any wrongs you witness at this time.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. You've played a big part in helping someone get back on their feet. Now you are being overly helpful and they need to learn to support themselves without any help. You need to learn to let go. There's a lesson in here for you both.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You can sense how other people are going to react before you say anything. This means you will know when to press for decisions and when to wait for others to make up their minds. There may be a need to wait for a better time to bring up a touchy subject.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Don't discuss events from the past that still can upset you. Leave memories you could happily live without and wish you could wipe out forever, in the past. A close friend or relative is celebrating a birthday or anniversary. Even if they say they don't want anyone to make a fuss, be sure to make it special in some way.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're ready to make some sweeping changes in your work or family life. This will take some people by surprise. They aren't so keen. Let moderation in everything be your motto for now. There are other ways of looking at a contentious situation. Drastic measures aren't necessary.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't dismiss a housemates unusual ideas for the home. At least give them some consideration. You could find yourself in an unfamiliar situation. Someone you hardly know will be helpful when you feel lost or uncertain. This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

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