
A good friend, business colleague or romantic partner is squarely behind you. Use their support to venture into a new area. If you've been thinking about living overseas, this would be a wonderful time to do so. You'll find a place near a lively city that stimulates all your senses. You won't have to go alone. The one you love will be happy to join you and create a comfortable home in another country. Are you staying put? Think about forming a business alliance with a foreigner.

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Your work situation will get much better. An annoying colleague could get fired, an oppressive boss will get another job or your employer may move to a new building. Regardless, you will benefit from this change. If you're asked to perform more work, agree. Your cooperative attitude will be rewarded with a raise or promotion. Have you been unemployed? You'll be offered at least one job in a creative field. Getting paid to express your artistic talent will make you extremely happy.

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Your social life sparkles with excitement. Make sure to attend a party, even if you have to go to work early tomorrow. You'll have a wonderful time and will cross paths with someone who excites your imagination. You could become close friends, passionate romantic partners or successful creative collaborators. The choice is yours. Spending time with someone who shares your thirst for knowledge will be uplifting. It's a relief to be with someone who loves to read.

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Your domestic situation will undergo a dramatic improvement. Someone at work will tell you of a fantastic property opportunity, place to live or contractor. If this fellow worker is leaving town, they may be selling their furniture for a song. Be ready to move on this inside tip. The result will be a more spacious and uplifting home. Relief from a health problem is coming soon. Stop putting off a doctor's appointment. The sooner you get a persistent ache or pain treated, the better you will feel.

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A movie, book or song will inspire you to make a big change. If you long for romance, pour your energy into activities that make you feel fabulous. Your heightened charisma will attract love like a flower draws bees. Are you already in a relationship? Your other half might suggest a range of exciting things you could be doing together. You've made your mark in a particular field. Now it's time to explore greener pastures. Another career path will become open as a result.

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An optimistic attitude draws moneymaking opportunities. Work involving property, the law or advertising is on its way. It doesn't matter if you have previous experience in this field. You'll be able to make a success of this venture. Working from home will be especially rewarding. You're able to be much more creative when there's not a micromanager breathing over your shoulder. Launching a home based business could be a winner. You're diligent and conscientious enough to go solo.

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Your personal magnetism always draws people in so it's easy to attract love, luck and loot. When you want something, be assertive. You won't have to compromise. It's difficult for a conscientious person like you to champion your dreams, because you always worry how your demands will affect others. There is nothing to fear. Your dreams can be realised without inconvenience to your nearest and dearest. Best of all, most of your friends and relatives will benefit from your success. Go for gold.

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Working with a hospital, religious organisation or educational institution will be profitable. Not only will those you work with like your ideas, but they will pay you well for them. This gives you a much needed ego boost. Instead of worrying about your professional prospects, you'll radiate contentment. This will help you attract bigger and better work assignments. Use some of your hard earned cash to go on a solitary break. Visiting a nearby beauty spot will recharge your batteries.

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An unusual opportunity to realise a personal goal will fall in your lap. You may have a successful business executive offer to fund a creative project. Your employer could pay to send you to university. It's possible a relative will leave you a beautiful property in their will, increasing your standard of living. Whatever shape your luck takes, it will arrive through an unexpected channel. Don't question your good fortune; it's the Universe's way of rewarding you for being a kind person.

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Professional advancement continues to build. Forming a business alliance will work in your favour. You'll play the bad cop while your partner deals with public relations. Together, you will forge some great deals that bring in lots of money. In the past, you had difficulty exercising your authority. People found your leadership style harsh and unyielding. Now you're working with someone who has great interpersonal skills, you'll be able to do what you enjoy best: making money.

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Learn more about a foreign culture, religion or philosophy. You've always been idealistic. Pouring your energy into areas that help you transcend mundane reality. Whether you're dealing with an oppressive job or attending to heavy family responsibilities, it's important to have an outlet for your frustrations. Devote a set time each day to your studies. This will give you something to look forward to when things get tough. Don't be surprised if someone singles out your work for favourable attention.

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Joint finances are going extremely well. Both you and your partner are contributing regularly to your bank account. Having this nest egg will allow you to eliminate debt and move into a more secure position. Refinancing your home, buying a bigger place and starting a retirement fund are among the possibilities. If you're on your own, don't wait to get married to forge a financially secure future. Investing in a stock portfolio now will allow you to retire early. Being affluent will also enhance your sensual power.

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