
An embarrassing incident from your past will be brought to light. Instead of getting defensive, admit your wrongdoing. Offer a sincere apology. Try making amends to those who were hurt. We've all done things we regret. Instead of wallowing in guilt, be proactive. When people see you are intent on forging a new path, they'll give you another chance. It will take time to regain their trust, so be patient. In these situations, actions always speak louder than words.

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Lack of cooperation with a group activity could cause you to drop out. You're tired of picking up the slack and never getting credit for your contributions. Some people will accuse you of being a sore loser. Nothing could be further from the truth. You have a healthy sense of self-esteem. This keeps you from staying in toxic situations. Rather than sticking around for more abuse, you'll move on to greener pastures. The people who once relied on you to do their work will be left in a panic.

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You're worried about your job prospects. If you suspect there will be layoffs at your company, put together an action plan. Finding another position will take time. The sooner you start searching for a new employer, the better off you will be. When updating your CV, resist the temptation to list every job you have ever held. Instead, tailor this document to each opening you want. Have coffee with someone who hires people; they'll give you excellent tips about making a successful application.

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Travel plans will be cancelled. Although this comes as a big disappointment, it's really a blessing in disguise. A better opportunity to go away will soon arrive. In the meantime, turn your attention to boring tasks you've been postponing. Running errands, returning calls and submitting paperwork won't be especially exciting, but it will relieve stress. You'll enjoy being able to drift off to sleep without these jobs looming overhead. Once your schedule is clear, don't commit to more work.

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A big insurance bill will put a dent in your budget. It pains you to part with this hard earned cash, but you have no choice. If you're going to protect an investment, you must have adequate coverage. Is it time to buy an expensive item like a car, computer or appliance? Research the best policies for your needs. Being well informed will help you find a policy that makes sense for you. Don't trust a salesperson who is pushing their company's products.

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A marriage or business partnership is experiencing strain. This isn't a good time to bring up a touchy subject. Emotions are close to the surface and it will be easy to say hurtful things in the heat of the moment. Taking a temporary break from each other can be helpful. Use this time away to reflect on your other half's best qualities. After a calm period of reflection, you may decide it's time to end this bond. If that's the case, be direct.

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Working with someone who is always trying to push their political or religious agenda is tiresome. It's time to confront them about their behaviour. There is no reason to discuss these issues in the workplace. They only create divisions between people who need to be collaborating. If this pest persists with their annoying lectures, file an official complaint. People should know what is happening on company time. The staff isn't being paid to convert others to their point of view.

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Expectations about a partner or child will not be fulfilled. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, look for the silver lining. Accepting people for who they are is a critical component of any loving relationship. If someone decides to take a different path from the one you wanted for them, take a deep breath. Giving your blessing to a loved one will be one of the most empowering things you could ever do for them. Put your ego aside for the sake of compassion.

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Delays involving a property matter will throw a spanner into your schedule. You will not be able to resolve a purchase, sale or rental as quickly as you want. Instead of being overcome by frustration, find a productive outlet for your energy. Doing some volunteer work will be a powerful reminder of how lucky you really are. As long as you have clothes on your back, food in your pantry and friends at your side, you can overcome any problem.

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You feel pressured to sign a terrible business offer. Instead of signing on the dotted line, wait for a better situation to come along. It's never easy being on your own, but at least you won't have to give your power away to an abusive boss or manager. If you need a sounding board, join a support group. People who are familiar with your problem will give excellent advice on how to cope. This isn't a permanent problem; it's just a temporary glitch.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're not making as much money as you had hoped. It will be necessary to cut back on leisurely pursuits until you build up some savings. If you're dating someone, be honest about your financial situation. Explain you aren't able to go to expensive restaurants and take fancy holidays until you gain some stability. Anyone who is really interested in you will adjust their expectations accordingly. If your amour breaks things off, it will be a blessing. You deserve to be with a partner who truly cares about you.

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It feels like you're over your head. Instead of pretending everything is fine, ask for help. Get additional training. Fill in the gaps of your knowledge. Do you lack essential experience? Yield your position to someone who knows what they are doing. Nobody will look down on you for this admission. They'll admire your honesty. It's only a matter of time before people discover what's happening. The best way to save face is to admit the problem and work towards a solution.

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