
You don't have much patience dealing with people in positions of power. It seems the authorities would rather talk about change than enact it. This is highly unsatisfying. You must find an outlet for your frustrations. Playing sports is therapeutic for you. Impatient people tend to store up stress in their tissues. Physical activity on a court or field will stop this stress building up. Even a brisk walk or gentle stretching can do the trick. If delays at work continue, think about starting your own business.

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A stuffy outlook is preventing you from making helpful connections. Put religion and politics aside when dealing with work. People from all walks of life can expand your knowledge. Your ideas won't change, but your appreciation for different cultures will grow. It helps to look at problems from different perspectives. What seems like an insurmountable dilemma to you may be easier to solve for someone else. Someone with a different attitude towards confrontation will be very insightful.

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Grappling with an insurance matter will be challenging. It's important to get the compensation you deserve. A low level bureaucrat will try to block your efforts. Instead of getting angry, remain calm. Politely ask to speak to their supervisor. Keep going up the chain of command until you connect with someone who has the authority to resolve your problem. Set aside a few hours to deal with this dilemma. Nothing wears down officials like patience and persistence.

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Public relations can be difficult. Your patience is wearing thin, especially with people who won't follow the rules. Instead of lashing out, make a strategic retreat. Turn your attention to routine work. This will have a calming effect. When you've got your papers in order, you can return to the fray. Take your cues from an older colleague who has developed effective coping strategies. Dealing with difficult people takes skill. Hone your abilities so it doesn't feel like you're fighting an uphill battle.

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Taking an organised approach is difficult when requests pour in from every direction. Don't get pulled into the hysterical energy surrounding you. Take your time with each project, even when colleagues tap their feet. Rushing will only cause unfortunate mistakes. If anyone dares complain about your pace, calmly explain you are doing the best you can with limited resources. If your employer would like to provide you with more staff and equipment, that's their prerogative.

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Loosening up with a romantic partner is challenging. You're not ready to let down your defences just yet. For this to happen, you have to have a better sense of your partner's values. Review how their words match their actions. If you see a discrepancy, you may not be able to trust your amour. Chances are you have picked someone who is steady and reliable. Don't let past disappointments deprive you of the intimacy you crave. You have the potential to build a happy, lasting relationship.

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It will be difficult to be productive until you get your household in order. Take this opportunity to tidy up, stock the pantry and finish some chores. You'll feel much more in control after you've dispatched these duties. Someone who has been trying to get hold of you merits a phone call or email. If you're not ready to move forward with a project, be honest. That's better than keeping someone hanging on the line. Think of how you would feel if the tables were turned.

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Take pains to keep personal information under wraps. Discussing your home life in a public place could come back to haunt you. The last thing you want is for a rival to use sensitive information against you. Try not to keep discussing any illnesses, legal problems or financial difficulties. When people ask you direct questions, have noncommittal responses ready. Normally, you're good at guarding your privacy. Your defences may be weaker than usual because of stress.

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Being too frugal could prompt you to make an unsatisfying purchase. Sometimes it's better to splash out on things that are made by craftsmen with quality materials. Such items will perform more efficiently and last much longer. When in doubt, check a consumer guide that lists the best brands for your budget. If you're still undecided, ask friends on social media which products have served them well. Being an informed consumer is the best way to make your money work for you.

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You're extremely reserved, which can be intimidating. Rather than force yourself to assume an open persona, you should take a more proactive approach about relationships. Asking questions and listening attentively can do wonders for building trust. People usually enjoy talking about their interests. Slowly but surely, you'll feel more comfortable revealing aspects of your own character. You shouldn't rush things, but it will help to take a proactive role in these alliances.

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Unconscious fears are holding you back from taking a risk. Maintaining the status quo will offer you a welcome respite from excitement. Despite your love of change, you require some stability from time to time. Instead of launching a project or setting more goals, take it easy. Rest, relax and reflect on your accomplishments. After you've had an opportunity to recharge your batteries, you'll be ready to cause a commotion. Until then, enjoy laidback activities.

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Friends aren't offering the encouragement you desire. Their disapproval is daunting. You thought people would support your latest project. Although you'd like to forge into the future alone, it may be better to rethink your plans. Instead of taking unnecessary risks, take steps to establish some security. Get an advanced degree, open a savings account or take out an insurance policy. Such steps will make it easier for you to realise bold dreams and explore unfamiliar territory.

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