
A desire to get away from it all could prompt you to do something drastic. Breaking off a relationship, quitting a job or moving to a new neighbourhood are among the possibilities. Friends may express concern for your wellbeing. Their kindness will give you renewed hope. Keep angry feelings towards a male relative to yourself. There will be plenty of time to confront him. Right now, you need to focus on making yourself feel better. Go for a massage or get some stimulating exercise.

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Getting involved in a team sport could give your spirits a lift. Playing football or basketball can teach you to be more spontaneous. You'll also meet some interesting people along the way. One of the members of your team could encourage you to develop your creative side. Take these words to heart. You've been blessed with so many gifts. Developing them will make you happier and healthier. It will also stop you getting into a rut.

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A desire for fame could prompt you to do something out of the ordinary. You're tired of being overlooked. By speaking the truth to someone in power, the spotlight will swing in your direction. Although you will enjoy all the attention you receive for your comments, be mindful about the future. Burning your bridges with an authority figure could create more trouble than it's worth. If you're going to criticise anyone be constructive in your comments. Trashing their character will only tarnish your own.

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Beware of trying to convert people to your point of view. They won't appreciate having their own beliefs being put into question. Channel your enthusiasm into a charitable cause which reflects your convictions. If you're asked to take the helm of a humanitarian organisation, accept. Your passion will attract lots of support. It's possible you will have to deal with a combative expert. While their knowledge is impressive, it doesn't give them the right to be abusive.

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Big changes are slated for a joint financial account. It's time to take charge of a situation that has spiralled out of control. Consulting a financial advisor or couple's counsellor is essential. If you can't trust each other with funds, it will be hard to be intimate in other areas. In the event you are single, you need to protect your personal information you could fall victim to identity theft. The last thing you want is do battle with credit card companies and banks.

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A close relationship could come to a sudden end; you're tired of dealing with their childish behaviour. Distancing yourself from this relationship will make you realise just how much anger you've kept buried. Find a healthy outlet for these feelings. Contact sports can be liberating and any form of exercise from a brisk walk to judo and karate will help you let off steam. If you're single, beware of an overly aggressive suitor. Their hot temper will get very tiring, very fast.

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A desire to remake your body could prompt you to plunge into an exhaustive exercise routine. Beware of pushing yourself too far, too fast you could end up injuring yourself. If you're trying to impress a love interest, remember they love you just the way you are. Having rock hard abs may not impress them. In fact, this could prove intimidating. When it comes to getting fit, moderation is key. Make robust health your goal, instead of cosmetic perfection.

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Jealousy has always been a problem for you. At times, your possessive attitude seems flattering. Ultimately it makes people feel oppressed. If you're starting to feel angry or suspicious, take a few deep breaths. Focus your attention in a more positive direction. Creative pursuits like sculpting, knitting or woodwork can ease your aching heart. When your hands are busy, your mind is calm. Positive feedback from colleagues gives you a boost.

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An accident or injury could make you housebound. That's a difficult cross for you to bear. Your restless energy demands constant activity. Now you're being forced to limit your movements, you need to find some sedate distractions. Listening to audio books can be engrossing. You've got an adventurous spirit, and may enjoy listening to stories set in exotic locations. Let a loving friend or relative pamper you. They need to feel needed by you.

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A loud argument could erupt between you and an aggressive man. It's best to walk away from this confrontation. Getting into a fully fledged row them will only put fuel on the fire. You've got too much to lose by putting this guy in his place. Besides, onlookers will respect you more if you take the high road. Money for home improvements could become available. This would be a good time to spruce up your bedroom with fresh paints, new bed linens, and fluffy pillows.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're ready to break away from the pack for the sake of finding fame and fortune. While it's true you have a good chance of increasing your income through unorthodox ways, you have others to consider. Don't do anything to put a youngster's future in jeopardy. If you're going to take a gamble, use your own money. Avoid putting a loved one's funds at risk. In the event you are the breadwinner in your family, take care that your partner is protected from financial ruin.

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You can no longer tolerate a stressful situation. Lashing out at the cause of your problems will feel liberating. Take care that you don't engage in obsessive behaviour. Harassing someone either through words or actions could get you in big trouble. It's better to channel your frustrations into work. Your progress will be so impressive that you could be given a pay rise or even promotion. Stay positive and use your talents and energies to pursue constructive goals which will benefit all concerned.

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