
Beware of demanding more than you deserve. Right now, everyone is being forced to cope with reduced circumstances. Asking for special treatment will make your colleagues angry and resentful. After all, they have to make sacrifices; why shouldn't you? Show you're willing to be a team player. Once you adapt to the rough conditions, you may actually enjoy yourself. You've always enjoyed a challenge. Roll up your sleeves and get to work.

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An overprotective nature could hurt someone more than you realise. You've got to let go of them and let them make their own mistakes or they will end up resenting you. Occupy yourself with mundane chores you've been neglecting. This will keep your mind off of your loved one's activities. The time has come for you to get some healthy distance from one another. There is such a thing as being too close for comfort.

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Maintaining the status quo is a challenge. You're anxious to move on to greener pastures. Before you take off, consider how your actions will affect your reputation. Do you really want to be considered a flake? Finish a job, hang in with a romance, or stand by a friend. Contrary to what you might think, adult responsibilities can be rewarding. They allow you to have deep, meaningful bonds which can sustain you through terrific challenges.

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Your conventional outlook could trip you up. If you're given a chance to try something new, take it. You'll have plenty of misgivings, but it's better to push past your fears or you will be stuck in the same spot. You've been blessed with plenty of leadership ability, but you'll never be able to develop it if you take the safe road. Finances could be tight in the days ahead. Take care to use your conserve your resources between now and the New Year.

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Don't turn work into a competition; remember your colleagues are on your side. Granted, one of your fellow workers is incredibly talented, and you'd like nothing more than to outperform her. That's not possible right now, as you need lots more experience to rise to her level. Why not befriend her and asks for some tips? Learning everything she knows will improve your skills and, more important, solidify your relationship.

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Try not to be too hard on yourself. If you fail to get to an important job by the end of the day, you need to stay calm. There will be other opportunities. Nobody will think you're a slacker for letting the ball drop on this one. Usually, you're the one who picks up the pieces after somebody else has done a sloppy job. Your public will forgive you for falling short of the mark. Keep this situation in mind, though, the next time somebody lets you down.

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Avoid discussing politics like the plague; such talks will only lead to hurt feelings and misunderstandings. This is especially true when it comes to new acquaintances. The two of you need to let your relationship develop before delving into personal details. Once you get a feeling for each other's characters, it will be easier to have a healthy debate. In the meantime, pour your energy into a creative project.

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It's important to say what you feel, even if it pains you to do so. You're not the most expressive person in the world. You prefer to let your actions speak for themselves. Unfortunately, your silence is weighing on a loved one's heart. Overcome your reservations and tell them of the depth and breadth of your affection. You may think it's obvious, but it's not. A relative may be trying to drive a wedge between you and a love interest.

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Beware of speaking before you think or you could offend someone who is important to you. You never know what sort of trouble a person has experienced. Even a sarcastic comment about a sensational news event may get you in trouble. Stick to innocent comments about the weather. When in doubt, opt for silence. This can be difficult for a chatterbox like you, but it's a skill worth mastering. Take a sibling or neighbour's story with a pinch of salt; they could be exaggerating.

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Beware of making snap judgments as they will cause you to blame someone who is entirely innocent. Granted, you may not think highly of the person in question, but that still doesn't give you the right to heap shame where it doesn't belong. By refusing to enter into a gossip filled conversation, you'll avoid embarrassment later. You might even form an alliance with the person who has been blacklisted.

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It's hard for you to make a decision right now, but you've got to do it. Stop agonising over whether you're doing the right thing and just move forward. Whatever choice you make, you will probably be let down because you have an overly idealistic view. Being brought down to earth will be a valuable lesson. Scaling back your expectations will allow you to experience those exciting surprises that make life worth living.

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Resist the urge to be overly critical of a colleague who has done a shoddy job. They are choked by their performance and they don't need you to remind you of their shortcomings. If you really want to be helpful, move on to the next project and say no more about this unfortunate incident. There is still a chance a colleague could get fired for his mistake. Preserving the integrity of the team is more important than meting out punishments.

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