
Someone will accuse you of being unusually stubborn. You generally strive to be flexible and easy-going but there is a subject that people want to discuss that makes you uneasy. You aren't ready to give an opinion on a matter you aren't certain about. You need more time to think it over.

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You wonder how far you can trust someone who suddenly decides to make a few changes. You feel they should have given you prior warning. You may have little choice but to go along with new arrangements that have been decided on by your boss or a person in power.

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If someone close wants to add spice to life, you won't have any objections. It's becoming clear that a loved one is bored and restless. You've never been a stickler for routine and you won't mind considering some of the unusual suggestions they are making to have some fun.

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You aren't ready yet to face up to a difficult situation. You have been deliberately ignoring what has been going on and you're reluctant to open your eyes because you know you aren't going to like what you see. Very soon, it will not be possible to bury your head in the sand anymore.

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You can't work out what is true anymore, you have been given so many different accounts of the same situation. You have put too much trust in what was once a professional and trustworthy institution. It is becoming very apparent that certain people within this organisation are dishonest and unreliable.

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Not everyone is as careful, helpful or as conscientious as you. You understand this but what upsets you most is how a friend has been deliberately keeping something important from you. Had you been given this important information earlier, you would have made some very different choices.

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You would prefer to leave a financial or career matter in someone else's hand but they will not respect you for this. Besides, if you are hoping they will make arrangements and decisions you will agree with, this will not necessarily be so.

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You're so much in demand that you will regularly wish you could be in two places at the same time. At least you will quickly and efficiently send thoughts, ideas and suggestions that other people are requesting via text message or email. This will leave you with some free time later in the day.

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Encouraging news about a group project should give you a lot to be proud about. You have played a valuable part in getting this venture underway and your leadership skills are to be admired. An evening celebratory event will go like a dream.

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People who make suggestions on how you might improve your work or your ideas are not trying to make you doubt yourself. Before reacting, think about what they have to say. You might realise they are actually trying to help, not hinder your progress.

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An offer you had expected to go elsewhere will be received with mixed feelings. Your gain will be someone else's loss. This is something to be celebrated. Don't let feelings of guilt overwhelm you. You won this fair and square.

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The loving support of a practical friend or relative will give you the boost you could do with to make some necessary changes. This is just what you need to alleviate thinking patterns that have held you back in the past. Instead of being left wondering what if?', you are ready to accept an exciting offer.

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