
This isn't a good time to gamble. Keep your money in the bank, where it can multiply and grow. If you're looking for adventure, wait. Venturing into unfamiliar territory could be disastrous. You're better off sticking to familiar routines. Volunteering to do extra work will put you in good standing with your boss. If you have to sacrifice some free time, don't worry. Your sacrifice will pay off. Fortunately, your best friend or romantic partner will be happy to run some household errands while you're busy.

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You are not feeling especially energetic. Unfortunately, this isn't a good time to take a break. You have to attend to some legal matters. Hiring a lawyer may be necessary. Protect your interests at all costs. Lean on a loved one for emotional support during this stressful time. You've always created stability for your nearest and dearest. Now they have an opportunity to return the favour. Asking for help will put your relationship on level ground. Let down your defences.

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You're proud of your accomplishments, but there is still more work to do. Taking a course will enhance your desirability on the job market. Refusing to expand your horizons will undermine your success. If your computer skills are rusty, take a refresher course. A patient instructor will be willing to show you the ropes. It will take time to master these skills. Don't push yourself. You should pace yourself like a marathon runner instead of a sprinter. Slow and steady wins the race.

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Avoid unnecessary extravagance. This isn't a good time to splash out on a status symbol. Conserve your resources for essentials like food, housing and utilities. Having money in reserve will give you peace of mind. If you feel vulnerable, lean on a romantic or business partner for support. Normally, you're the strong one. Changing roles will be good for the both of you. A creative block is making you nervous. When you're strapped for ideas, focus on mundane chores.

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Overestimating your importance could get you in trouble. When someone asks you to do a job, accept graciously. Having an attitude problem will only hinder your progress. Relatives should know they can count on you when the going gets tough. By bailing out at the last possible second, you'll disillusion them. Offer to assume a family member's responsibilities while they recover from an illness. This generous gesture can promote domestic harmony when it's needed most. Do the right thing.

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Try not to dwell on a recent disappointment. The sooner you recover from this setback, the faster you will achieve success. Model your behaviour after an artist you've always respected. Overcoming adversity will win the admiration of a powerful executive. If you continue to work towards your goal, you will be offered an impressive job. Getting handsomely rewarded for your communication skills will be gratifying. When one door closes, another will usually open.

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Don't fall victim to peer pressure. When it comes to money, you should err on the side of caution. Having funds in reserve will allow you to cover some emergency expenses. Plumbing repairs will require immediate attention. Don't let a small problem turn into a crisis. If you're looking for a steady job, talk to a former employer. There might be a spot open for someone with your skills. Having regular income will allow you to sleep easy. You're tired of worrying about the future.

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Don't abuse your power. Using your prestige to get free merchandise or special favours will reflect badly on you. It's better to pay your way and wait your turn. A short business trip could be profitable. Do plenty of research into a desired client before leaving. Being well prepared is the secret to your success. You'll make a very good impression by projecting an air of cautious conservatism. Instead of promising the moon, promote slow and steady growth. It's the best way to gain people's trust.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Try not to make assumptions about a newcomer. Just because someone has a certain background does not dictate their beliefs. Having an open minded attitude will pave the way for a loyal friendship. If a big cheque arrives, put some of it into savings. Having a nest egg will give you greater freedom in your personal and professional lives. Don't let a rival discourage you from taking a creative risk. Secretly, this naysayer is afraid you will succeed. Their fear is perfectly justified.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Difficulties over joint finances will erupt. It's important to keep calm when tempers start to flair. Refusing to fall for a guilt trip will put you in a position of power. You may not realise it, but people are very intimidated by your confidence. Nobody wants to challenge your authority. Taking charge of a team brings out the best in you. Trust your instincts about individual strengths and weaknesses. Knowing which jobs to assign to what people is the secret to your success.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't take a loved one for granted. Take this opportunity to express your gratitude for their emotional support and practical assistance. A gift will go over well. Pick something that reflects your friend's style. If you're not sure what to choose, enlist the aid of a perceptive Scorpio. It may be necessary to enforce a strict rule. At times like these, it's more important to be effective than popular. Turn a deaf ear to complaints. Your job is to get the best results for the largest amount of people.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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This isn't a good time to rest on your laurels. Instead of relaxing, tie up the loose ends of a job. The sooner you finish this assignment, the faster you can enjoy some leisure time. A well connected friend will invite you on a luxurious holiday. Pack your bags and go. You will benefit from a change of scenery. If you're visiting a foreign country, learn a few phrases of the language. Making the effort will impress locals and make your experience a lot more pleasant.

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