
You like being known for your originality, but breaking away from the pack can be problematic. Instead of insisting on getting your way, make it your mission to help someone who is struggling. It doesn't matter whether it's bringing food to a party or running an errand for an ill neighbour or offering words of encouragement to a struggling student. The important thing is to put your ego aside for the benefit of someone else. This generous attitude will set the tone for a prosperous New Year.

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You'll make money from an original idea, provided you're willing as part of a team. Don't let a stubborn attitude keep you from hearing helpful advice. Someone who has lots of experience in your desired field can fine tune a promising concept. Instead of arguing with their proposals, think them over carefully for a full day. When you give yourself a chance to internalise this feedback, you'll discover it is very helpful. Do your best to keep an open mind in the waning hours of 2017.

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Don't identify yourself too closely with a set of ideas. You're constantly growing and changing. The beliefs that served you at the beginning of the year no longer have the same power. That's why it's important to be receptive to new suggestions. A friend who has had success with a technique will try sharing it with you. Agree to try this method for a day, even if you are sceptical about it. You'll experience immediate success. The new year beckons you to dispense that which no longer serves you.

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Keeping your true thoughts under wraps is problematic. Although the prospect is scary, you should confide in someone who is loyal, kind and receptive. If you don't have anyone like that in your life, begin a diary. Feeling able to say what's on your mind will be liberating. Lately, you've been dissatisfied with your job. Rather than letting these feelings eat away at you, explore them. After describing these challenges, envision the work you do want to perform. 2018 invites you to achieve tremendous career satisfaction.

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Friends want to support you but aren't sure how to do so. They worry you have fallen into a rut. Each time they try broaching the subject, you insist there is nothing wrong. Stop pretending. You have an opportunity to move in a new direction. Getting an advanced degree, travelling to an unusual destination or adopting a different outlook are among the possibilities. Don't let a negative experience deter you from taking risks. The new year promises an exciting change, provided you're willing to leave the old ways behind.

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Putting all your energy into work is hurting your relationships. Friends and family feel neglected. Instead of justifying your hurtful behaviour, put an end to it. Change your priorities. Go home on time, instead of long after the office has closed. If you must change industries, so be it. The important thing is to create a lifestyle that involves spending lots of meaningful time with your nearest and dearest. Let your loved ones inspire a powerful transformation in 2018.

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To realise a lofty goal, you must be practical. You will have to take many small steps before realising this dream. Instead of expecting others to do your dirty work while you focus on a noble idea, take responsibility. Go through your messages each day and answer people who have questions. Keep your work area tidy so you can easily find things. Perform tasks so others won't be inconvenienced. The more attentive you are to your current circumstances, the easier it will be to improve them.

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Becoming more self-reliant is a worthy ambition. Although a loved one is happy to share their resources, you want something to call your own. Whether this means getting a job or learning to drive or recovering from an addiction is immaterial. The important thing is to empower yourself. Contrary to what your benefactor thinks, this change will improve your relationship. That's because you won't worry about offending or upsetting your loved one. Instead of treating them as a superior, you will be equals.

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Don't be upset if you and a loved one have reached an impasse. There will be times when you cannot reconcile your beliefs. That's natural. Instead of trying to force a compromise, make a strategic retreat. Abandon yourself to fun at a New Year's Eve party. Once the evening is over, you'll be able to look at this relationship in a favourable light. It's even possible you will change your opinion and be more receptive to your other half.

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Instead of doing several jobs at once, narrow your focus. Concentrate fully on a household chore. A brilliant idea for saving time and money will occur while you're washing the dishes, folding the laundry or preparing dinner. Your imagination grows stronger when your energies aren't scattered. If you have a strong desire to work from home, take one small step towards this goal. It will come to fruition in 2018, so long as you keep feeding and celebrating your ambition.

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Don't overthink your New Year's resolutions. Instead of striving for some noble ideal, listen to your heart. Something as simple as changing jobs, taking up a hobby or buying a luxury item can bring great happiness. When you're honest about your desires, real magic will happen. There's nothing wrong with wanting to go to Tahiti, buy a sports car or landing a cushy job. When you seek to satisfy yourself, you'll become a much more satisfying friend, neighbour and colleague.

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If you've been dissatisfied with your home life, you have a divine opportunity to improve it. Spend 2018 imagining your ideal abode. Someone as multi-faceted as you may require two places to live to fulfil your desires. That's perfectly fine. By acquiring advanced technical skills, you can generate the income necessary to purchase a beautiful place by the water. The key is to know you are worthy of the best in life. When you know this, you can move mountains.

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