
Don't rely on friends for help, as everyone seems overwhelmed today. Fortunately, you're capable of doing the work of three people. Instead of dwelling on your misfortune, roll up your sleeves and get to work. A loved one could offer you an expensive gift, but it's probably best to refuse or you'll feel indebted to them for the rest of your life. As far as today is concerned, one head is better than two. Retain your independence at all costs.

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Getting ahead at work will be more difficult than you think. A loved one needs your care and attention. This means cutting back your time at the office and spending more time at home. If you're single, beware of mixing business with pleasure. Going out with someone in a position of power will be fun at first, but it will ultimately undermine your own career. You don't want people to accuse you of manipulating your way to the top.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You don't feel tolerant now, and with good reason. Someone who has been trying to impose her beliefs on you has become a real pest. You need to set a firm boundary here, even at the risk of offending this woman. You have no problem discussing philosophical matters, so long as the tone of the conversation is respectful. This woman's approach is aggressive and insulting. Nobody will blame you for telling her to back off.

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Sharing resources has not been beneficial for you. Your partner has taken advantage of your fiscally conservative ways. If this keeps up, all of your savings will be drained. Take some proactive measures to protect your money. If you are in a committed relationship, the two of you would benefit from visiting a financial advisor who will help you find ways to save money without hoarding it. Until a compromise is reached, your relationship will suffer.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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This isn't a good time to form a partnership. There aren't many people bringing much to the table. Hold out for a more profitable arrangement. You're very generous by nature. Don't let these instincts get the best of you. Some people are worthy of your help. The woman who is approaching you now is not. Although she talks a good game, she has no intention of doing her fair share of the work. You're better off remaining an independent agent.

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Overdoing it in the food and drink department will take a toll on your health. You need to practice restraint. If you have a hard time resisting temptation, you may want to join a support group. Being able to talk to others about your struggles can help you overcome them. If you're not satisfied with a medical diagnosis, get a second opinion. You know your body better than anyone else. When you suspect there's a problem, there probably is.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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If you're going to earn more money, you'll have to cut back on leisurely pursuits. Cutting back on luxuries can also help. Spending more time at work is a drag, but it has to be done. In the past, you've been able to get by on your charm. To advance up the ladder of success, you need to demonstrate diligence. Once you get some traction at work, you'll be able to find a job that feels more like play than work. It's all a matter of paying your dues.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Don't rest on your laurels. Security is an illusion. If you're going to realise your potential, you need to take a risk. Venturing into unknown territory will be scary but rewarding. Be honest about your abilities. You may have raw talent, but you need to refine it. Seek out a teacher who is sparing with praise. It may take ages before you get any positive feedback, but when you do, you'll know it's sincere. Resist the urge to take advantage of a relative's generosity.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're overextended and feeling the effects. Normally, you have boundless energy. Today you've reached your limit. Cancel plans so you can stay home and rest. Staying in bed feels decadent when there's so much work to be done, but even you need sleep. Pull down the blinds and turn off the phone. A detractor may accuse you of being lazy. Be honest about your situation. Your reputation for being truthful will help you handle it.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A cheque you were expecting may not arrive. You may need to chase the people who owe you. It's never pleasant having to chase people down for money, but the longer you go unpaid, the deeper in debt you will go. If a friend asks for a loan, refuse. You don't want finance to undermine your relationship. If you owe somebody, pay up now, even if it means making temporary sacrifices.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're generous to a fault, which causes people to take advantage of you. Lately, you've been spending too much time at the office. Your nearest and dearest are starting to suffer from your absence. This time around, one of your colleagues can cover gaps in the schedule. More importantly, your boss may want to consider hiring another person. Until somebody revolts, everyone will have to keep coping with this skeleton crew.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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People keep taking advantage of you. The only way to put a stop to this trend is to say 'No.' Although you hate to appear callous, you have to admit you can't save the world. Besides, you could use a little help yourself. If you're short of cash, you may want to get assistance from a religious, cultural, or educational institution. A scholarship or grant will go a long way towards relieving financial strain. Don't let pride get in the way of furthering your dreams.

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