
You're ready to undergo a personal exploration. Finding out what makes you tick will be enlightening. It's been a long time since you were able to connect with your wild side. Obey an impulse to take up a new sport, hobby or creative pursuit. Nothing inspires you like novelty. You never feel so alive as when you delve into an unfamiliar environment. Luckily, your charisma is quite powerful now. It will be easy to win the heart of an instructor.

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When it comes to love follow your intuition. You have an opportunity to venture into new territory with your amour, so long as you have a heart to heart talk. Discussing your hopes, dreams and fears will help you form a united front. Are you single? Forget about inconsequential things like status and looks when searching for a partner. You could meet someone special at a religious, cultural or educational organisation. It will be easy to fall in love with someone who shares your values.

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An unconventional friendship gives you a different perspective on love. You're starting to realise you don't have to agree on everything with your amour. Celebrate your differences instead of underplaying them. If you're single, don't fight it. Embrace your status and enjoy your independence. When you least expect it, the right person will come along. At that point, you'll be ready to give yourself to someone special and any feelings of restlessness will begin to fade away.

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You'll be able to distinguish yourself at work. Instead of following the rules, assess the situation and develop a plan that is unique to your goal. Veering off the beaten path will be scary but exhilarating. Fortunately, the powers that be trust your judgment and will give you carte blanche. Beware of a hidden enemy who will try to undermine your authority. Don't be afraid to reprimand this troublemaker at the first sign of rebellion. Your team will respect you when you impose the rules without prejudice.

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Don't hesitate to showcase your expertise. People admire the depth and breadth of your knowledge. You might even be asked to give a lecture or teach a class. If you're sent on a business trip, it's because you're the best person in the group to handle the job. Friends may resent all the time you're spending on your career, but it can't be helped. This is your chance to make a name in your desired field. The opportunity to live abroad could fall into your lap.

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A physical relationship is heating up. Let your partner take you away on an impromptu trip. As a general rule, you don't like surprises. Let down your guard and embrace spontaneity. It's healthy for you to break away from the old routine and live in the moment. Are you single? You could meet someone special by doing something totally out of character. Visit a club, resort or restaurant you'd ordinarily avoid. A chance meeting could pave the way for love.

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Coming to someone's aid will lead to an exciting partnership. Joining forces with someone who is very different will be beneficial for both parties. You're balanced, thoughtful and diplomatic. Your partner is strident, impulsive and bold. Together, you can strike a nice balance. When you're too afraid to make a decision, your friend will help you commit. When a colleague tries to burn a bridge, you'll be there to put out the fire. Two heads are better than one right now.

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Trying a holistic therapy could be very effective. It will feel so wonderful to be free of a nagging ache or pain. Once you start feeling better, you'll have the energy and drive to pursue a cherished dream. A business or romantic partner might be nervous about this change of direction. Turn a deaf ear to their warnings. You're ready to take a chance, even if it means losing ground. As far as you're concerned, it's better to take a risk than remain stuck in one place.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're in a great mood and refuse to be tied down by anyone or anything. Fortunately, you have a chance to embark on an adventure without burning any bridges. Going on a trip or communing with nature is strongly advised. Breaking out of the old routine will give you an attractive glow that's hard to resist. Someone will try to pressure you into signing a contract. Don't get pushed into an arrangement that works against your financial interests. You deserve to be treated fairly.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Spending time at home is a welcome change from work responsibilities. You enjoy reconnecting with people who understand your sense of humour and celebrate your quirks. Preparing a special meal for your nearest and dearest will be rewarding. If you have caught yourself thinking about a particular dish you enjoyed as a child, try finding the recipe through a relative. Enjoy travelling down memory lane. Thinking back on the past will inform some decisions about the future.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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As far as you're concerned, love is tied to mental stimulation. If someone can't engage your intellect, you're not interested. Are you already in a relationship? Think about taking an adult education course with your amour. It doesn't matter what subject you choose. The important thing is to enjoy a course of study together. Learning the basics of a foreign language will be helpful if you're going to travel abroad together. The two of you will have fun quizzing each other at night.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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The prospect of settling down makes you nervous. You'd be wise to put away some money for the future. Having a savings fund will make you more independent. Get into the habit of putting a portion of each paycheque into an interest bearing account. If you're struggling with debt, put yourself in a strict payment plan. This will involve cutting out luxury purchases for the time being, but it will only be a temporary sacrifice. Keep your eyes on the prize.

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