
Try not to get caught up in minor details. You've got to stay focused on the big picture, or an important project will go off track. Philosophical disagreements are threatening to tear your team apart. Stay away from sensitive topics like religion and politics. If an argument does break out, assert your leadership skills. Ask everybody to put their differences aside for the sake of the group. The atmosphere will be tense but productive.

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You'll have to decide whether to be effective or popular on the domestic front. Childish squabbles require your swift attention. You've got to assert some authority, or chaos will ensue. If you have a roommate who is behaving disrespectfully towards you, it's time to have a talk. Don't pull any punches with your complaints. If you decide that you can no longer live with this person, begin a search for a new home immediately.

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You've got to let loved ones make mistakes, even if they're going to get hurt in the process. While your urge to protect your family is admirable, it can also be destructive. Besides, there is no guarantee their plans will lead to disaster. A business or romantic partner could be a bit heavy handed with you. Don't tolerate this kind of boorish behaviour. Unless you defend yourself, these abuses will continue to be heaped on your shoulder.

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Your heart can get in the way of your head today. It may be better to postpone important decisions for the weekend, especially where emails and phone messages are concerned. Impulsively firing off an angry response could get you into a lot of trouble. Beware of working with heavy machinery or chemicals, as an unfortunate accident could occur. Your best course of action is to finish off small tasks which have been hanging over your head.

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Resist the urge to make even a modest investment in a risky venture. It's better to keep your hard earned money in the bank. In the event you're looking for employment, do so on the strength of your abilities and experience. It would be a mistake to call in favours from friends. If you were given a job through personal connections, you would attract a lot of resentment from your colleagues. Fortunately, you are more than capable of finding work based on your own merits.

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Family life could be interrupted by forces beyond your control. You may have to leave your home because of a plumbing or electrical problem. It's even possible your landlord will ask for you to vacate the premises. If that's the case, take a deep breath and make new arrangements. Although it will be inconvenient to find a new place, it will ultimately be better for you. Spread the news among friends that you need to move. A hot tip could reach your ears this weekend.

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A short trip isn't favoured today. All sorts of minor aggravations could conspire to block your way. You're better off postponing this journey for another time. If you have no other choice but to forge ahead, prepare for delays. Bring some bottled water and healthy snacks to tide you over. Keep some good reading material on hand. Bring your iPod to help pass the time. Don't be afraid to do battle with an official who tries to cancel a reservation.

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A desire for freedom at all costs could compromise your friendships. It's simply not realistic to expect friends to look the other way when you break promises. Be more mindful of your obligations to others. Somewhere along the line, you came to believe in the concept of unconditional love, but authentic relationships are based on give and take. Someone may try to buy your loyalty. Don't compromise your integrity.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You've been entrusted with heavy responsibilities, which is extremely stressful. Beware of taking out your anxieties on people who have less power than you. Yes, they may not understand the full extent of your job, but that is no reason to lash out at them. The more compassionate you are, the easier your duties will become because people will come forward to relieve you of burdens. The best way to relieve stress is to reach out to others for help.

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Be objective with regard to a social matter. Just because someone doesn't share your view of the world doesn't mean you have nothing to learn from this person. Actually, the two of you could become friends, provided you treat each other with respect. This will be an exercise in enlightenment. The more you connect with people who are different from you, the better you well feel about the world.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Jealousy could rear its ugly head, so being possessive will just drive the object of your affection further away. Building your self confidence is probably a better use of your time. Instead of obsessing over what your beloved is doing, turn your attention to an engrossing hobby. Developing inner resources will make it much easier to hold your head high. You're a lot more worthy than you suspect. Cultivate your creative impulses. There's nothing more attractive than somebody who has passionate interests.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Are you depending too heavily on a workmate or lover for happiness? Having an identity of your own will help you build a healthier relationship. This would be a good time to explore your career options. If you don't have the training or experience necessary to enter your desired field, take steps to change things. It's never too late to realise a dream. Once you put your plans into action, it will feel as if you have a new lease on life.

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