
An intense and intellectual conversation will ignite romantic sparks today. Keep your eyes open for a passionate person who knows how to make a dramatic entrance. If you're already in a relationship, you'd be wise to join a reading group with your beloved. You'll be astonished and delighted by your mate's reaction to certain books and stories. It will be as though you're discovering each other all over again.

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Finding fun things to do with your family will lend a breath of fresh air to your domestic life. Although comforting routines have always pleased you, it's especially important to draw a distinction between rituals and ruts. If you don't have any bright ideas about what to do, ask the kids. They'll have plenty of madcap suggestions. In the event you don't have any children, you may want to consider starting a family. Feather your nest!

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You've always expressed your personal power through ideas, and that's especially true now. This is a good time to revisit a plan you abandoned for lack of money. Your financial circumstances have changed, making it easier for you to reach your goals. Moving to a new neighbourhood or starting a writing project are both possibilities. Alternatively, you may want to install a new telecommunications system in your home. Take the plunge!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Spending money on your children, family, and home is nothing new for you. However, the urge to splurge on your domestic sphere is especially strong now. And although expensive purchases aren't favoured this month, you may want to make a list of things you'd like to buy once autumn arrives. Make sure you include a few items solely devoted to your pleasure. You deserve some luxuries, too!

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You're starting to realise your self-image has a tremendous impact on the public. If you project yourself with confidence, others will have faith in your abilities. On the other hand, if you continually underestimate your abilities, nobody will want to be with you. This applies to both your romantic and professional lives. You have to love yourself in order to be loved. Similarly, you've got to take pride in your accomplishments to find work.

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You'd rather keep your thoughts to yourself now, sensing others can't handle your honest opinion. Your intuition is right on target, as friends and family are more intent on upholding an illusion than facing the truth. And while you're enormously frustrated by this attitude, you can't let it stop you from pursuing a programme of self-improvement. Keep working doggedly toward your goal, even if others don't understand. You're stronger than you realise.

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Friends are willing to lend their support, even if you don't want it right now. Don't let your pride get in the way of admitting you made a mistake. Nobody will think less of you for changing your plans. Perhaps you weren't realistic about fulfilling a childhood dream. Maybe you thought you had the necessary skills to reach a goal. Whatever the problem was, it can be resolved by asking loved ones for help.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Matching wits with someone in a position of authority could prove costly. If this person thinks you've made them look foolish, they'll try to punish you for it. You're better off doing as you've always done: working behind the scenes until the time is right to strike. Sooner or later, your rival will make a stupid mistake. At that moment, you can seize the reins of power without jeopardising your professional prospects.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Revisiting a religion or cultural practice that once fascinated you could prove enlightening. You've gained lots of wisdom and experience since then. You may be surprised at how differently you feel about this subject as a result. Friends and family may be surprised by your new course of study. Don't bother trying to explain your interest. This is something you have to work out by yourself. Other people's opinions will cloud your judgment.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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No subject is taboo as far as you're concerned; you're willing to broach any topic, including sex. This may have been something of an explosive issue during childhood. Now is a good time to explore any strong desires you may have suppressed out of fear. Keep in mind that authority figures often use shame to discourage exploration. If you are consumed by guilt, it could be because you were trained to feel this way.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Rehashing an old argument with a loved one will prove to be rather contentious. Neither one of you is willing to yield any ground. As the days go by you will both see the need to reach a compromise. Work off your pent-up frustration at the gym before bringing up the subject. That way, you'll be able to give rational responses to emotionally charged accusations. A resolution is imminent, as incredible as that sounds.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're being given yet another series of lessons on the mind-body connection. Sliding back into negative thinking and eating patterns is taking a toll on your health. Get back into a fitness routine that brought good results. You'll feel immediately better. True, it's hard to resist temptation now summer is winding down. However, you'll be much happier if you avoid heavy food and potent drink over the next few weeks.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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