
Putting money away for loved ones is a good idea. You don't have to tell relatives you have started this fund. In fact, it may be best to keep this account secret. The important thing is to make sure your nearest and dearest have some financial security. It gives you great pleasure to pave a smoother path for them. Let down your defences with a romantic partner. It's time to tell them about your hopes, dreams and fears. It will be an excellent way to draw closer to your beloved.

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Reaching a legal settlement is strongly advised. Resist the urge to agree to all the terms you are initially offered. Negotiating a more positive arrangement will take time and effort, but stick to your guns. Remember that you will have to live with the consequences of these actions for years to come. Stay calm in the face of emotional accusations. If you refuse to let your rival see you're under pressure, they'll get nervous and give you more than they intended.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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There's lots of work to be done. Try not to push yourself too hard or burnout will swiftly follow. Enlist the aid of colleagues who aren't terribly busy. They'll grumble at the imposition, but it can't be helped. You've relieved them of plenty of chores in the past. Now it's time they returned the favour. Nobody can claim you are overstepping your boundaries. Normally, you do the job of at least two people. Choose your words carefully when emailing a hypersensitive client.

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Developing your creative talent makes you more optimistic. Right now, it feels like you've been backed into a corner. You actually have more options than you realise. Until you strike in a new direction, it will be difficult to see the full spectrum of choices. Sign up for an art class with a respected instructor. You'll be amazed at the positive feedback you receive. The contacts you make through your instructor will put you on a new path. Fight the impulse to stay mired in a dead end situation.

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You must have a heart to heart discussion with your family. It's simply too difficult to take sole responsibility for a relative's wellbeing. Hiring outside help may be necessary. Alternately, you might have to put your family member in a managed care situation. Do plenty of research so you will be able to present the group with a range of options. You want the best for everyone involved, including yourself. Stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

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A business trip will be successful. The client will be very impressed with your extensive knowledge. You would never go to such a meeting without having done plenty of research. If you're looking for a job, think about teaching older students practical skills. You're very good at breaking down complicated tasks into manageable steps. Approach a senior learning centre for job opportunities. You might have to volunteer at first, but you'll soon be offered a paid position.

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It's time to create a financial game plan for the years ahead. If you don't have any savings, don't worry. It's never too late to open an account. The key to growing your nest egg is to contribute to it on a regular basis. Arrange with your bank to put a set portion of your income into this fund at every pay period. If you're deep in debt, scale back your standard of living until you've paid all your bills.

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You're very serious about meeting your goals by a certain time period. Explain your goal to colleagues who might misunderstand your brisk attitude for cold indifference. You want to forge good relationships with your fellow workers but don't have a lot of spare time for chitchat. If someone criticises your work, try not to get defensive. Take a few moments to recover from the shock and then reflect whether their comments are valid. There's a chance you could really benefit from this feedback.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You prefer working on your own. Someone with your quick wit and agility hates having to stop and wait for slower colleagues to catch up. Fortunately, your boss will give you the green light to develop a project in private. Don't second guess yourself. Time is of the essence. When in doubt, flip a coin and keep moving. It's more important to meet a deadline than turn in a perfect performance. A neighbour or relative will confide in you. Resist the urge to share this information with others.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're not interested in pursuing a superficial relationship. Time is precious and you'd rather spend it with friends and relatives who enrich your life. If you're interested in switching careers, this would be a good time to join a professional organisation. You'll meet people in your desired field who can help get you job interviews. An older member of the group will be especially generous. Be sure to give them a nice gift as thanks for their assistance. You can't take contacts like these for granted.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's time to further your career prospects. Update your CV, apply for jobs and meet with an employment agency. You have considerable talent and experience, but aren't sure which path to take. Someone with experience in the field will be able to point you in the right direction. If you have an agent and are not satisfied with their performance, find one with a better track record. You don't have to feel guilty about making the switch. This decision is purely about business.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You will be sought for your superior knowledge. Teaching a class or mentoring young people will be a good use of your talent. It will also put more money in your pocket. Set this income aside for a special trip you've been longing to take. Exploring a spiritual Mecca will give you a new lease on life. Stop telling yourself you can't get away. Colleagues will be happy to cover for you while you take some time off.

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