
When you are embarrassed, your first impulse is to hide from the world. Don't obey this impulse. It's better to admit you are wrong and face the public. Even your severest critics will offer their condolences. Nobody is perfect, not even you. The problem is that you have such high standards that it is humiliating when you fail to meet them. Maybe this is a sign you should be more forgiving. Expecting perfection is making everyone miserable.

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Don't let popular opinion change your decision about an activity you enjoy. You shouldn't give up a hobby just because nobody in your social circle appreciates it. Actually, it will be good for you to break away from the crowd. A youngster who doesn't understand your busy schedule is hurt by your prolonged absences. Rearrange your schedule so you can have some quality time together each day. Even setting aside a certain time each day to talk on the computer can strengthen your bond.

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Your public and private personas are quite different. This comes as a surprise to someone who only sees you at work. Don't be embarrassed to show another side of your character in a private setting. It's only natural that a member of your sign has two distinct personalities. This just means you are a lot more versatile than most people. Don't criticise a relative's seemingly hare brained scheme for a book, movie or painting. Their idea has a lot more merit than you suspect.

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People fail to take your background into account when dealing with you. You may not be comfortable with certain ideas and practices. Be forthright about how this situation is affecting you. Once everybody knows you need a little extra help, they'll be happy to pitch in. Think back to a time when you helped somebody else. This is your opportunity to receive some of the kindness you gave so freely. What goes around usually comes around.

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You should pay careful attention to debt and joint finances. If your credit card bills have spiralled out of control, it's time to create a repayment plan. The sooner you're back in the black, the easier you will sleep. Do you have a business or romantic partner whose attitude towards money is radically different from your own? The two of you could benefit from visiting a financial counsellor. Both of you will have to compromise to forge a happier future together.

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Adopt a more realistic view of your partner's strengths and weaknesses. If your amour is terribly disorganised, don't ask them to carry out a time sensitive job. Similarly, be ready to admit you're not very good at making time for fun. By entrusting your beloved to plan an exciting outing, you'll pave the way for a happier, stronger bond. Are you single? It may be because you are looking for some fairy tale ideal that doesn't exist. Relax your standards and be more open to people's quirks.

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Sometimes doing the least glamorous jobs is the best way to contribute. If you're given a thankless assignment, don't grumble. Carry it out with good cheer. Nobody may notice your contribution, but you can be content in the knowledge you made someone else's life a lot easier. Take this opportunity to acknowledge people who do similar jobs for you, whether it's the custodian at work or a thoughtful relative. Those clean towels don't appear in your bathroom by themselves.

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Feelings of loneliness have you worried. You wonder if you'll ever be ready for love again. Give yourself time to heal from a tumultuous romance. The last thing you need is to go right from the frying pan and into another fire. If you have a lover, focus on re-establishing the intimacy that once characterised your relationship. Spending quality time together is critical. You might have to spend less time at work, but it's better than becoming further alienated from one another.

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There may not be anything you can do to help a troubled friend. Instead of trying to rescue them from their own problems suggest they get professional help. You are simply not equipped to handle such a heavy responsibility. Unfortunately, these upsets are taking a toll on your personal and professional life. You simply can't keep taking time out to cope with these disruptions. There are other people around who can help. Seek them out.

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Someone will ask for your honest opinion but you will be reluctant to give it. You know from past experience how upset others get when you tell the unvarnished truth. When cornered for an answer, give a noncommittal response. It's the best way to avoid drama. A close relative or neighbour who thinks they are talented doesn't want to have their bubble burst. You'd hate to be that self delusional, but don't worry. You're always brutally honest with yourself.

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Don't be careless with cash. Although you don't place much importance on money, you don't want to waste it. Opening a savings or retirement account is strongly advised. You should create a fund that can't be accessed by anyone else. Having your own private nest egg will be empowering. You work too hard to be living from payday to the next. Put something away for a rainy day. An intimate relationship will improve when you don't feel so reliant on your partner for survival.

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Beware of getting caught up in your private dream world. Your best friend or lover needs your attention now. If you forget to run an errand or keep an appointment, you'll put them in a bad situation. Keep a list of everything you have to do within prominent view. You might want to review the entries with your loved one, just to make sure you haven't missed anything. Don't depend on others to give you direction with a project. You'll need to handle a creative job yourself.

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