
Household responsibilities demand your attention right now, which is a bit inconvenient. Until you address these issues it will be impossible to attend to your love life or career matters. With that in mind, take this opportunity to mend broken fences with a roommate or ease a child's fears. Adopting a nurturing approach is essential now, as people's emotions are quite raw. Drop the gruff act, at least for today.

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Acquiring practical knowledge is essential if you want to get ahead. While everybody else is busy pursuing more glamorous goals, you'll be busy perfecting your craft. In the long run, you'll be the one who comes out on top. Of course, there will be times when you become discouraged and disheartened. Ward off depression by talking with well-established people who understand the meaning of sacrifice. They'll give you the support you need.

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You enjoy living for the moment, but need to give thought to the distant future. Putting a small amount into savings on a regular basis will keep the wolf from your door. Being organised is half the battle. Keeping strict records of what you spend will give you a clear idea of where you can economise. Treat this as an experiment of sorts. That way, this chore will seem more like a game.

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You're organised, disciplined, and persistent, which adds up to a winning combination. Although it's hard to see the progress you've been making, rest assured you are moving ahead, but you won't see the fruits of all your hard work until next summer. Until then, it's important to sustain your admirable work ethic. Give yourself a nice reward at the end of each month for sticking to your guns. This will keep you motivated.

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Working alone helps to keep you focused on your goals, so stay away from the crowd. Although your friends are wonderfully fun, they can sometimes distract you with their irreverent ways. Not everybody is as ambitious as you are. That's why you look within for the strength you need. Don't worry if your aims are different than those of your pals. You've got your own path in life. It's time to follow it.

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You've got high hopes, but obstacles seem to block your path at every turn. Look to an older friend for support. This person has plenty of practical advice for coping with disappointment. Be sure to follow some of these suggestions, as they will prove quite valuable. Right now, it's hard to hear what anybody is saying, mainly because you feel alone and isolated. This will change when you become open to new ways of thinking.

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Don't confuse your happiness with your work status, or you'll miss some golden opportunities. A great job doesn't equate with a fulfilment personal life. Similarly, you don't have to be a misery just because you're unemployed. Find your bliss today, no matter what your position in life. A simple hobby can bring you lots of pleasure and change your focus from professional to personal contentment. It's a welcome change that's long overdue.

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Change is in the air, and you're not particularly happy about it. You're being forced to adapt to an arrangement that makes you feel like a fish out of water. Instead of fighting the trend, try working with it. Not only will you acquire some valuable knowledge, but you'll also meet some important people along the way. Keep your eyes open for someone who can help you overcome some limiting behaviours.

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You're not in an especially sexy mood, which disappoints a would-be lover. Part of the problem is that you're dwelling on past disappointments. Just because you experienced difficulties in childhood doesn't mean these problems have to continue. Recognise that some of the lessons your family passed on to you have no place in the life you want to create. Let building a positive body image be your first priority today.

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You're a bit cautious regarding intimate relationships, and who can blame you? You don't want to give your heart away to just anyone. It is important to reward reliable people with trust. Open your heart just a little to a nurturing person. Confess an embarrassing secret or talk about a painful loss. You'll be amazed at how much closer you become as a result of this confession. Break down those brick walls between you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Burdensome tasks are weighing you down and may even be compromising your health. You're tired of being the utility person all of the time. The next time somebody asks you to help them with some odious chore, tell them you have personal plans. You don't have to elaborate what you're doing or defend your choices. Until you assert your right to enjoy some leisure time people will keep taking advantage of you.

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It's hard for you to relax and have a good time when everyone is tugging at your sleeve. Children are especially needy now, and a lover may be acting like a spoiled brat. Resist the urge to shut down and isolate yourself. Being emotionally available to these people will result in a dramatic improvement to all your relationships. Why sulk when you could be enjoying these precious moments with your nearest and dearest?

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