
A power struggle will erupt, consuming you with anger. It's critical to postpone any important decisions when you're in this mood. A person in a position of authority is trying to muscle you out of a discussion or organisation. Instead of taking the bait, make a strategic retreat. Nobody will think less of you for backing down from a confrontation. You have a lot to lose and very little to gain by lashing out at this manipulator. Bide your time.

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You feel like the victim of someone's inconsiderate behaviour. Resist the temptation to make negative remarks behind your tormentor's back. If you're going to solve this problem, it must be done face to face. It's possible you're dealing with a person who is completely delusional. In that case, the best way to find relief is by getting as far away from the situation as possible. Think about taking a long break, sabbatical or even just a few days off work. You'll think more clearly when you escape the fray.

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A person will pretend to represent you without your permission. Set the record straight as soon as possible. Make it clear nobody speaks for you. Once the other side understands what happened, they'll look at your colleague with suspicion. You're dealing with someone who is jealous of your abilities. Putting words in your mouth is their way of undermining your credibility. Be strident about defending your reputation. You've worked too hard to let this pest harm your good name.

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Pulling rank will leave a bitter taste in other people's mouths. The best way to move forward with a project is to persuade everyone to jump on board. This will take more time than issuing a direct order, but the extra effort will pay off. If you want people to be invested in a project, you must give them a measure of freedom. Present the facts and then let the group discuss their options privately. That way, nobody can accuse you of being a tyrant.

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Instead of commanding the spotlight, it will be better to stay in the shadows. A colleague who is trying to get ahead is tired of competing with you. By allowing them to showcase their gifts, you'll pave the way for a better relationship. There's enough room for everyone to thrive. When you have an opportunity to shine, the team will rally behind you. It's simply about knowing when to radiate your star power and when to turn it down.

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It's time to confront some fears you have kept hidden from the world. Pretending to be comfortable when you're really quaking with anxiety is a mistake. By describing your feelings to trustworthy people, you'll get the help you need. Be open to experimenting with silly tricks to distract you from worrying. When your conscious mind is distracted, you'll be able to carry out a challenging project. You've been blessed with a powerful intellect. Train it to do your bidding.

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A controlling relative is trying to intimidate you. Instead of sharing your plans, keep them under wraps. There's no reason to subject yourself to their stinging criticisms. If you've depend on this insecure family member, try breaking free. Getting your own place, earning a paycheque and defending your choices will make your confidence rise. It will also create a whole new dynamic that puts you in the power position. Deferring to someone who wants you to fail is no longer a viable option.

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Don't play into a manipulative neighbour's hands. This troublemaker is spreading rumours designed to create panic. By taking apart their story piece by piece, you'll realise there is absolutely no merit to it. The next time you are invited into a gossip filled conversation, walk away. This is no time to turn against newcomers. Welcoming people with open arms will create a spirit of harmony that benefits everyone in the community. Even the most bigoted individuals will not be able to poison all this positive energy.

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Don't let jealousy tear a loving relationship apart. If you feel neglected by your amour, tell your partner in a straightforward way. Bitter recriminations will go over like a lead balloon; you're much better keeping emotion out of the conversation. When your partner realises you are asking for something that is perfectly reasonable, they'll alter their priorities. If you're single, resist the temptation to mix business with pleasure. The last thing you want is to jeopardise your job for a temporary flirtation.

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Someone is trying to manipulate you into parting with your valuables. Don't fall for their sob story. You have a tender heart but you don't like being taken for a ride. This smooth talker's true agenda will become obvious after you turn down their request in a calm, polite way. The teary pleas will turn to angry accusations. Rather than tolerating this terrible behaviour a minute longer, remove yourself from the scene. Call the authorities if they become agitated or violent.

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Someone's body language tells you everything you must know about their true feelings. Instead of pressing your agenda, quickly back away. There's no reason you should force yourself on a person who wants to be left alone. Don't worry; others will be receptive to your proposals. It's a matter of finding people who are open to exploring new vistas. Forcing someone to follow your lead won't feel like much of a victory. You want enthusiastic fans, not half-hearted followers.

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Angry resentment is tearing the group apart. For a long time, individuals have been forced to keep their mouths shut for the sake of an unstable leader. The straw that breaks the camel's back is the insistence to carry out a hare-brained scheme. Instead of embarking on this wild goose chase, people will simply pack up their belongings and leave. The person in charge will have a rude awakening, but it can't be helped. They simply would not listen to reason.

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