
Beware of becoming a workaholic. Just because you have a lot of responsibility doesn't mean you can neglect your family. If you're overwhelmed, ask your boss for help. Alternatively, tell a client you will have their project finished later than predicted. Sometimes you have to let people down in your professional life to salvage your personal realm. Embarking on a new fitness routine is strongly advised. You'll feel more optimistic and energetic as the result of an exercise regime.

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You're a virtual love magnet. If you're already in a relationship, you will have to fend off an admirer who wants to lure you away from your partner. Although it's flattering to be the source of so much attention, it's also a nuisance. You have no intention of leaving your amour. Are you single? It will be difficult to choose among all the ardent admirers that are clamouring outside your door. Choose one who is both intelligent and practical. Eye candy is fine but beauty is only skin deep.

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You're very protective of the people you love. If someone has been messing with your family, you won't stand for it. Confronting a schoolyard bully or abusive colleague feels tempting. Don't implicate yourself in behaviour that will undermine your case. Instead, formulate a strategy aimed at fixing the problem, rather than getting revenge. Filing an official report feels awfully bloodless, but it's better than getting your loved one in trouble. When in doubt, trust your head, not your heart.

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If you get wind of a class that sounds interesting, sign up as soon as possible. This course will be perfect for you and spots will fill quickly. You'll feel an immediate affinity with your teacher, who will push you hard. If there's anything you hate, it's being treated with kid gloves. It will be necessary to have some harsh words with a bully who keeps throwing their weight around. Some forceful language will be the only way to get through to this troublemaker.

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Building up your business should be your first priority. If you work for another company, think of ways to add value to your position. Acquiring more skills, developing a new product line and increasing sales are among the possibilities. You have the power to land a bigger salary and more prominent title, but it will take hard work. Don't expect to get ahead through charm and humour. Are you interviewing for a position? Get ready to ask for more money than you are initially offered.

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Don't let anyone stand in the way of your dreams. You're able to pinpoint what you want and won't settle for anything less. Whether it's pursuing the object of your affection, landing the perfect job or moving to a new town is immaterial. The important thing is to look deep within your heart and obey its demands. Some people may accuse you of being selfish. Are you bothered? You're always working on behalf of others. It's time to put your own needs first.

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You'll have to yield the spotlight to a colleague. While it's disappointing to be relegated to a supporting role, it can be liberating. Escaping the gimlet gaze of a micromanager will come as a huge relief. At long last, you'll be able to put creative touches on outmoded styles and not be censored. Pretty soon, everyone will be asking who produced such beautiful work. At that point, you can emerge from the shadows and take a bow. Until then, keep your head down and stay busy.

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Breaking new ground is a challenge for many, but not for you. That's because you're not afraid to defy the status quo. Causing a commotion gives you pleasure. Change doesn't scare you. In fact, you find it invigorating. Go ahead and alter the way you do business. At first, those around you will think your methods are pretty weird. Eventually, they'll see the method to your madness. This realisation will take time, so try not to get defensive in the early stages.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're willing to do what it takes to get ahead. If this means putting in long hours and making some personal sacrifices, so be it. An exciting promotion is within arm's reach, but you face stiff competition. Certain executives are hesitant to hire you. That's because you've always taken a light hearted approach to work. It's not that you don't take your job seriously. You just think it's more productive to inject levity into everything you do. Take this chance to establish how diligent you can be.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's important to do work that is a reflection of your ideals. You always have your eye on the bottom line. You usually choose work that pays over philanthropic endeavours. By making more time for volunteer work, you'll feel much more balanced. You've always been gifted at generating a profit. Why not take this opportunity to donate some of these resources to people who are less fortunate? Working on behalf of a charity, political party or religious organisation will be very rewarding.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're self reliant enough to meet your goals without any help. This sometimes makes relatives and colleagues feel left out. You don't mean to alienate them. You hate slowing your pace to accommodate them. It's so much easier to dispatch your duties with ease and precision. As one of the most organised signs in the zodiac, you usually take the time to make a detailed plan before springing into action. That way, you won't be forced to scramble for materials or resources.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Bringing balance to a troubled atmosphere will be a challenge. Both parties feel wronged and are intent on damaging the other as revenge. It's up to you to intervene. Instead of inviting everyone to open up and discuss their feelings, don't discuss the past. Set a fresh goal and keep all the participants on deadline. Pretty soon, everyone will become so engrossed in their responsibilities that they'll forget why they were angry. Keep the tone of all your meetings upbeat and constructive.

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