
You fare best in a structured, unemotional work environment. Although you're extremely passionate in your personal life, you prefer to keep cool when making professional decisions. Your calm demeanour paves the way for tremendous career success; employers appreciate how you can defuse tense situations. Pay careful attention to your dreams. They will inspire a compelling art project. Instead of working around the clock, leave the office on time and turn your attention to more creative pursuits.

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Listening to your conscience will ultimately benefit you. Don't worry if telling the truth results in job dismissal. You'll quickly get a better employment offer; the Universe has a way of taking care of those who act for the greatest good. You've always been very generous with friends. Extending a helping hand to someone who is struggling will be greatly appreciated. You're gratified to make a positive difference in this loved one's life. Thanks to you, they'll recover from a terrible setback that would otherwise break them.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Knowledge is power. Gaining an in-depth understanding of a subject or technology will improve your professional prospects. Instead of having to accept whatever job is available, you'll have your choice of several promising positions. That's why it's a good idea to increase your qualifications. Making temporary sacrifices for the sake of a dream career is wise. Instead of going to parties, stay in and study. Prepare for tests. Work with your fellow students to boost your academic performance.

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A close partnership gives you the opportunity to develop a creative project that's close to your heart. Allow your other half to carry out responsibilities you usually perform. Use this extra time to write, compose music or create some designs. Going on a dream holiday is in the cards for you. Take advantage of a wonderful travel package deal. Being able to tour a beautiful country on a budget will be lots of fun. If you're looking for love, you'll find it with a fellow adventurer.

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There's no reason work should be a source of stress. If your current job makes you angry, upset or anxious, it's time to find another position. Apply to companies that are famous for treating its employees well. You deserve the best; aim for it. An interest in astrology, the Tarot or numerology should be pursued. You'll feel an immediate affinity for this subject, feeling it gives you a greater understanding of life's challenges. Don't feel pressured to discuss your new hobby with sceptics; keep it secret.

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Stop telling yourself you are unworthy of love. Someone with your sharp intellect and compassionate heart is a great catch. Your best qualities can't rise to the surface when you continually criticise yourself. Listening to loving affirmations each morning will improve your romantic prospects. It feels like you have a psychic bond with your best friend or romantic partner. When you get an urge to reach out to your loved one, do it. Nine times out of ten, they'll have an important message for you.

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You create a stable foundation for your family. Because your loved ones know they can rely on you, it's easy for them to develop their natural abilities. You should take pride in their progress, because much of it is due to your steadfast support. Making your work environment more pleasant is easy for you. Although you may not realise it, colleagues have deep respect for your courteous demeanour. If you propose tidying a cluttered area or creating a comfortable lounge, you'll get lots of support.

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If you feel like you lack essential knowledge or communication skills, sign up for a course. Working with an encouraging teacher will build your confidence. You're extremely intelligent, easily absorbing lots of information. With a little time and patience, you can become a respected expert. All forms of creative expression bring you joy. When you're in a bad mood, get into the habit of picking up a pen, paintbrush or block of clay. Your spirits will immediately lift when your imagination starts to flow.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You must work for what you get, which is not a problem for an extremely gifted person like you. Don't let people pressure you into helping them for free. Your contributions won't be valued unless they have a price tag attached. If you've ever wanted to live near the water, this is a good time to put your plan into motion. Start looking for a home that is within your budget. It will be easy to find a great place if you take your time, and don't settle for the first place you see.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're able to channel your anger in a productive direction. Instead of lashing out at people who oppose you, find a way to appeal to those who are open to your ideas. A polite, professional attitude will win the public's confidence. Showcasing your creative work on a blog, podcast or website will earn you fame and acclaim. People will be surprised at how vivid your imagination is; that's because you've been labelled as ultra-practical. It's fun to challenge the public's perception of you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your spiritual beliefs give life a sense of security and structure. When your surroundings become chaotic, turn your attention inward. After some deep breathing, you'll be able to connect with your higher power and remember what's truly important. Donating money to a worthy cause will be rewarding. It feels good to support an effort to roll back the effects of greedy individuals. Creating something of lasting beauty that the whole community can enjoy is a great use of your resources.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your concern for humanity prompts you to get involved with a fundraising effort. Working to help vulnerable members of the community will lift your spirits. Not only will you develop a more optimistic outlook, but you'll make some wonderful new friends because of this work. Act on a powerful desire to go on a trip or enrol on a course. Expanding your horizons is critical to fulfilling your potential. Leave a secure situation behind for the sake of personal growth. You won't be disappointed.

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