
This could be the best day of the entire year to get a loan, scholarship or grant. Apply to a lending institution to finance a dream, whether it's buying a house or paying for tuition. If you've been trying to sell a piece of property, you could do so for a sizable profit. Put these proceeds towards your long term financial security. Opening a savings or retirement account is strongly advised. This money will give you a very welcome cushion from economic strain.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You'll be very happy with the results of a test. You've studied hard and will go straight to the head of the class. Reward yourself with a short trip for pleasure. If you're in a relationship, this will be a welcome opportunity to reconnect with your amour. Are you single? You could meet someone special on this jaunt. Keep your eyes open for an upbeat, nurturing type. The two of you may share a love of fine food.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A raise or lucrative job could be awarded to you. If you're going on a job interview, you should emphasise your strong work ethic. A prospective employer is looking for someone who is reliable and diligent. Your ability to juggle multiple jobs at once will also stand in your favour. If you're already happy with your job, take this opportunity to launch a fitness program. Investing time and energy into your well being will pay off handsomely, in the form of renewed energy and good looks.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You'll attract fame and acclaim, thanks to your creative talent. There's never been a better time to show off your artwork. Don't let your humble attitude cause you to pass up a good opportunity with a manager, agent or publisher. Your love life looks promising, too. Embarking on a romance with someone who is quite older or younger could be fun. The generational difference will lend a welcome dash of spice to this union. Do you already have a partner? Plan a holiday together.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Spending time on your own will lend profound contentment. Even a superstar like you needs privacy. Take this opportunity to read, write and reflect. After consulting with your spiritual side, you may decide to apply for a high powered job. Your ability to make people feel valued and welcome will help you land this position. It will also give you a greater measure of freedom. You might even be able to hammer out an arrangement that allows you to work from home.

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You have an opportunity to make a cherished dream come true. Ask a high powered friend to write you a letter of recommendation. An introduction from a VIP will open doors for you, both personally and professionally. Taking a difficult class is a possibility. Your teacher will introduce you to some intriguing concepts that change your outlook. Don't be surprised when you start noticing possibilities where you once saw brick walls. Education has always had a liberating influence on you.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You could make a name for yourself in your desired industry. If you're offered an important job, be sure to take it. The pay may not be terribly impressive, but it will be steady. Besides, this is just a stepping stone to a bigger and better opportunity. Use your powers of diplomacy to create good will for your employer. With a little work, your company can be a force for positive change. As a result, you'll become a respected power broker in the community.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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The chance to travel abroad could result in a powerful personal transformation. Exploring a different culture will make you aware of some assumptions you've held since childhood. Just because you were raised a certain way doesn't mean you have to maintain these beliefs. If you're looking to get ahead, think about learning a foreign language. This will help you land a lucrative job and allow you to lead a life of adventure. Enrol in an adult education class that is famous for its success rate.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Money from an inheritance, refund or dividend will give you more privacy. If you've ever wanted to buy a holiday home, now is the time to do it. You'll be able to find a secluded hideaway that allows you to commune with nature. This retreat could also enhance an intimate relationship. You and your amour will enjoy sneaking off to this love nest whenever life becomes too stressful. Treat this purchase as an investment in happiness.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A business or romantic partnership could help you realise a dream. Lean on your friend for financial and emotional support. You've been blessed with considerable talent. Take this opportunity to polish it to a diamond like brilliance. If that means leaving your job to go to university, so be it. Alternatively, you might decide to attend an artist retreat. Being surrounded by people who share your interests will inspire you to take creative risks.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You could be given a plum assignment at work. This is no accident. A powerful executive has had their eye on you. Their faith in your abilities has resulted in this fantastic opportunity. Don't waste it. Be as frugal as possible with the budget. Delivering this project on time and under budget will result in a raise or promotion. It might even attract job offers from other companies. Choose the one that allows you the greatest measure of autonomy. You're sick of working with micromanagers.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Love is in the air. You have the opportunity to embark on a serious relationship with a sensitive nurturer. Together, you could build a happy home that lasts a lifetime. Are you already in a relationship? You may decide to take an overseas trip with your amour. Visiting a mysterious land by the sea will heighten your passion for one another. You're incredibly attractive when feeding your spirit of adventure. Be sure to buy some beautiful souvenirs of this trip.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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