
An unforeseen event reveals everyone's true character. You will quickly learn who is your friend. Someone has been hiding the truth from you. It's important to understand this deception is not a one-off thing. Continuing this relationship will result in more and more disappointments. You'll be very glad you broke things off when this troublemaker does something even more outrageous. Don't beat yourself up for being too trusting. Many others in your situation would have made the same mistake.

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It will be easy for a group to put their differences aside and come together as a team. This causes you to breathe a sigh of relief. If there's anything you hate, it's tension. Now everyone is on the same page, you'll be able to add some beautiful creative touches. Your artistic flair will attract lots of favourable attention. Don't be surprised if you get a few freelance offers as a result. Word of your talent is spreading. Take some time to bask in the spotlight.

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The confusion surrounding your career path has finally lifted. You are now committed to a creative path. Some of your friends and relatives have been trying to discourage you from pursuing a job in the arts. Thank them for their concerns and then follow your heart. The next time someone tries to discourage you, tell them the subject is disclosed. If you're going to succeed, you must maintain a positive outlook. Your upbeat energy will attract the job you want. When you banish darkness, a great breakthrough will occur.

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After deliberating over a tempting choice, you have finally picked a course of study. Learning from an inspirational teacher will be enlightening. You'll discover hidden depths and change your priorities. This could mean converting to a different religion, taking up a spiritual practice or adopting a more meaningful way of life. Some friends will be startled by this transition. They'll feel insecure about their role in your life. Reassure them of your continued affection. Old friends are as precious as gold.

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You'll be able to resolve trust issues in a close relationship. It's important for a loyal person like you to command the same level of respect. Remember there is a difference between being loyal and being oppressive. Give your other half the freedom to have friends and enjoy activities outside of your bond. Are you single? Instead of looking for a fairy tale partner, keep an open mind. Someone who doesn't fit your ideal could be a perfect match.

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It's time to come to a decision about a lover. Someone who has been playing hot and cold with you is not worth your attention. Break things off and enjoy your freedom. If you're already in a relationship, some changes must be made to your union. Unless your amour can show their love for you, there is no reason to stay. Whether affection comes in the form of verbal affirmations, physical affection, gifts or acts of service is immaterial. Demand what you need.

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Organising your work area is a critical factor in your success. You've been so busy with tasks that you have let housekeeping duties slide. This has caused you to lose track of essential items. Stop what you're doing and sort through the clutter. You'll unearth some of the things you require to finish a job. You'll also realise you've been holding on to things you no longer need. Be ruthless about discarding such trash. Store everything else in tidy bins, boxes and drawers.

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After a prolonged creative block, your creative juices will flow freely again. Take time out of your busy schedule to return to an art project. Picking up a pen, paintbrush or musical instrument will give you a thrill. After a few clumsy attempts, you'll quickly get back into the swing of things. Don't be surprised if someone who admires your work will develop a crush on you. You're never more attractive as when you are exercising your imagination.

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You have conflicting feelings about your family. At times, they are a source of comfort. At others, they exert too much influence over your life. It's up to you to establish healthier boundaries. If you're dealing with someone who makes you feel guilty, you must change the dynamic. Assert your right to set your own schedule. Instead of being on call for this demanding egotist, feel free to ignore their calls until you're ready to talk. Your assertive attitude will pave the way for a more respectful relationship.

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It's becoming easier to say what you really feel. Rather than worrying how your words will affect others, you are focused on getting your ideas across. If some people are offended by your opinions, so be it. You're no longer willing to pretend to be someone you are not. Although you will lose some support, you'll gain friends who are excited by your vision. By joining forces, you'll be able to get a creative project off the ground.

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After wandering in the dark for an extended period, you'll finally be offered a job. Resist the temptation to spend your first paycheque on luxuries. Instead, put a set percentage of your income into a savings account. Slowly but surely, you'll accumulate a big nest egg. Having money in the bank will give you the freedom to pursue the relationships and activities you desire. If you've been yearning to take a spiritual pilgrimage, you'll finally have the resources to go.

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You'll finally overcome an identity crisis. Recently, you put on an act to win favour with an impressive group of people. Pretending to be someone you are not has been exhausting. Take this opportunity to relax and be yourself. Many of your newfound friends will be delighted by the transformation. They'll like you much better when you start speaking freely and behaving more spontaneously. When in doubt, trust your instincts. They will lead you to the people who will help you succeed.

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