
It's hard to cultivate romance when you've got relatives constantly tugging at your sleeve. Children are also petulant and moody, which further kills any passionate instincts you might have. You're faced with a choice: escape with your lover to a secluded spot or cope with the family responsibilities before you. Either way, you'll feel vaguely dissatisfied. Never fear; you'll have plenty of time for pleasure once December arrives. Practice patience.

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Overindulging in food and drink will make a bad impression on the public. You're better off abstaining from your favourite temptations, especially if you're going to a party. A few unpleasant chores crowd your schedule today. Instead of putting them off, just get them done as fast as possible. Otherwise, you will spoil what could be a perfectly pleasant weekend. The earlier you cross these duties off your list, the happier you will be.

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You simply don't have the money to indulge in certain pleasures, so why fight it? While you're busy pouting, you could be having a fun time with a lover or child. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to spend a fortune to enjoy yourself. If the object of your affection complains about your financial straits, ask for patience. Explain why you don't want to go into debt for the sake of a whim.

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It's hard to eat, drink, and be merry when you've got so much on your mind. Relatives simply don't understand how much pressure you're under, and that's probably a good thing. Instead of subjecting yourself to a boisterous gathering, retreat to a private corner. Conserving your energy for the challenges ahead is the best plan. If your family objects to your solitary ways, it's only because they long for your company.

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Bureaucratic nightmares prevent you from moving freely, which is a real pain. Before you schedule any fun trips, you've got to take care of a looming responsibility. Set a few hours aside to slog through paperwork or contact various agencies. If you're going to get official documents, you should bring as much identification as possible. Err on the side of caution and take everything but the kitchen sink!

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Instead of being happy about your good fortune, friends make you feel guilty about it. That's because they're so determined to steep in their own misery that they can't be considerate. Resist the temptation to put your joy aside to minister to their emotional wounds. The fact is, you've rejoiced over their victories in the past. If they can't extend the same sort of courtesy, you may want to enforce a temporary separation.

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Your career simply won't allow you to express yourself freely. Maybe your boss wants you to dress a certain way. Perhaps your company's policy goes against your beliefs. It's even possible that you're being forced to act in ways that make you feel uncomfortable. Whatever the situation is, you've got to make the best of it. By demonstrating you can be a team player under the worst of circumstances, you'll be rewarded.

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You've got lovely plans for the future, but they can't come true until you do some serious work. Whether this means getting an advanced degree, assuming unpleasant responsibilities, or acting as an apprentice is immaterial. The fact is that you've got to pay your dues. And while it may seem unfair that you're being tested this way, it will help to consider all of the sacrifices your idols have made to reach the top.

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Normally, you embrace change with open arms, but that's not the case today. You're starting to see that certain friends are drifting out of your sphere of influence. This makes you feel insecure and nervous. Instead of envisioning the worst case scenario, imagine what good things could come out of this turn of events. The fact is, you have no control over the future, so why worry about it? Keep watch for that silver lining.

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Close relationships are fraught with tension, mainly because of your public persona. A business or romantic partner may accuse you of being false in order to gain approval. And while there is truth to what is being said, so what? Everybody needs to project a positive attitude in order to gain success. You're no different. By staying focused on your goals, you'll eventually silence your severest critics.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Health concerns prevent you from embarking on new territory. This is a bitter pill for an adventurer like you. However, it's more important to respect your body's limitations than it is for you to take unnecessary risks. Slow down and do whatever is necessary to recover a sense of well-being. Adopting a new diet, getting more exercise, or taking up meditation can make a tremendous difference. Your body will thank you with renewed vigour.

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You're going through a romantic dry patch, which is really frustrating. You want nothing more than to spend the night in your amour's arms. Unfortunately, your partner may be far away. There's even a chance that there aren't any love interests on the horizon. If that's the case, channel your energy into an art project. The passion you seek will return once your creative juices start flowing again. It works every time!

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