
Renewing an old relationship is a distinct possibility. Lots of water has flowed under the bridge. Each of you have grown and changed since the last time you met. Now you've gained some important life experience, you'll be able to come back together on higher ground. You might even become friends with someone who used to be a sworn enemy. Stranger things have happened. Keep an open mind. Take comfort in the knowledge that some people can be redeemed.

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You will receive an invitation to an important social occasion. This is a wonderful opportunity to advance your career. Make sure to introduce yourself to an influential person in your desired field. When they see how passionate you are, they'll offer you an entry level position or internship. Don't let the low pay deter you. The experience you will gain from this arrangement will be invaluable. Once you fulfil your responsibilities with this job, you'll quickly move on to far more prestigious positions.

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A loving relative will reach out to you. Catching up on old times will be rewarding. Don't be surprised if this conversation causes you to look at a painful memory in a different light. Someone who once seemed cruel and indifferent may be revealed as your protector. Once you understand the truth of the situation, it will be easier to move on to greener pastures. You'll no longer feel mired in anger and resentment. That's a very good thing.

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Money from an insurance policy, inheritance or royalty cheque will greatly improve your financial circumstances. Take this opportunity to create a secure foundation for you and your family. Put a deposit on a home, pay off a debt or begin a retirement fund. Investing in the future will make you more optimistic. Instead of expecting the worst, you'll be optimistic. This positive attitude will attract love, luck and wealth in all forms. It's simply a matter of planting seeds for a garden of the soul.

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A public relations initiative will go very well. People respond well to your warmth, charm and humour. If you're representing a company or person who made a terrible mistake, admit wrongdoing. Lay out a plan for making amends. Back up words with actions. A tarnished reputation can be saved, as long as the repentance is real. Trying to divest your client of blame is the wrong tactic. Nothing invokes wrath like making excuses. Own up to what was done and who was affected.

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A plum assignment will be awarded to you. People will be impressed by your thorough approach to work. They know you can be trusted to deliver a flawless performance, even when time is tight. Now you're in a better position, don't rest on your laurels. Continue to surpass expectations and generate enthusiastic feedback. A big raise and promotion is in the pipeline. By continuing to impress your employer, you'll finally get a chance to occupy a beautiful corner office.

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A wise investment, a gambling win or a contest prize puts more money in your bank account. Take this opportunity to indulge your love of luxury. Splash out on some new clothes. Buy a status symbol. Enjoy a spa treatment. A little self-pampering will give you an attractive glow. Admirers will be drawn to you like bees to a flower. At that point, you'll be able to set the terms of an exciting relationship. It will be wonderful to join forces with someone who loves you unconditionally.

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This is a good time to attend to a household matter. Sign a lease, fix an appliance or buy some furniture. Daily life will become much easier when you get this issue out of the way. A great deal of stress is created by dreading a chore. Instead of obsessing over your list of things to do, start crossing items off your list. Not only will you feel better, but your home life will be a source of pleasure, not anxiety.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A short trip will be stimulating. You're not the type who can thrive from carrying out a predictable routine. Being forced to slow down appeals to your natural versatility. Take this opportunity to take in an unfamiliar landscape, sample foreign food and adapt to a different way of life. When you get home, you will decide to end a bad habit. Instead of engaging in self-defeating behaviour, you'll opt for surrounding yourself with positive people. You'll also choose to follow a healthier diet.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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An increase in business means more money for you. When you get a raise, make arrangements with your bank to put a percentage of your pay into a savings plan. This will help you build a nest egg that allows you to travel the world, buy a home or retire early. Although you enjoy creature comforts, you value your freedom more. Having a financial cushion will give you a greater measure of control over your destiny. Instead of raising your standard of living, increase your savings.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A pet project will generate a great deal of income. Instead of putting it on a back burner, pour all your energy into it. Patent the idea for an invention or business, meet with potential investors and apply for loans. Your relentless energy and enthusiasm will inspire confidence. Instead of pretending to be a conventional entrepreneur, present yourself as a visionary. People are eager to put their faith in something futuristic. The old way of doing things no longer inspires hope and excitement.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Escaping the hectic pace of life will be therapeutic. Finding a job you can perform from home will be rewarding. Not only will your productivity soar, but your mood will lift. Simply escaping office politics will give you a new lease on life. It will be easier to form a good opinion of humanity when you're not surrounded by naysayers. Make sure to develop an idea for a beauty or luxury product. This item will sell like hotcakes.

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