
One-on-one social interactions are favoured over the next three weeks. If you need to clear the air with a romantic partner, business associate, or personal rival, now is the time to do so. Matters that were difficult to discuss in the past may take on a humorous tone. You could even find a way of working together that would have been impossible a few months ago. A self-improvement project is finally paying off.

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Short trips are a good way to restore your health; green vistas act like a tonic. Getting away from the daily grind will make you more productive in other areas. Suddenly, you'll see better ways of doing things in both your personal and professional lives. You may have to do two jobs at once at some point during the next three weeks. Taking over for a colleague gives you a fresh appreciation for their talents.

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Planning parties is one of your many specialties; fortunately, you'll get several opportunities to do so. The next three weeks promise to be jam-packed with all sorts of fun social events. Making arrangements for a family reunion, evening soiree, or personal celebration will keep you on your toes. Keep running lists of what you need to do, and when you need to do it by. Being organised is half the battle.

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Thinking for yourself is critical now, because family members want to influence your outlook. Instead of taking everything they say as the gospel truth, consider how you feel about particular subjects. It's possible you're interested in subjects that bore them to death. If that's the case, don't bother to share your discoveries with them. Seek out like-minded individuals who can appreciate your thoughts and findings.

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Catching up on your correspondence is vital over the next three weeks. Otherwise, you could lose touch with somebody who could be very important to your future. An e-mail, letter, or phone call could set off a chain of stupendous results. You may not realise this, but you're a very popular figure. People enjoy hearing from you, but are sometimes awed by your presence. Come down off your pedestal and greet your public.

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The next three weeks are ideal for negotiating deals and signing contracts. Don't be afraid to ask for more than you deserve; you just might get it. The fact is, you underestimate how valuable your analytical skills are. People who benefit from these gifts are profiting in ways you can't imagine. By asking to be properly compensated for them, you will be boosting both your self image and your market worth.

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Your intellectual powers are at an all-time high right now; channel them into a field of study. Learning about a subject that has always interested you can open new worlds. Suddenly, you may find your current line of work dull and boring. Pursuing a new career is a distinct possibility. Alternately, you may be offered an opportunity to teach or lecture as a side line. This could be your chance to become famous!

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Retreating from the social world gives you a welcome chance to recharge your batteries. The past month may have been jam-packed with parties, meetings, and evenings out. Now the planets are begging you to slow down and spend some time by yourself. Quiet activities like assembling jigsaw puzzles, reading for pleasure, or working on handcrafts may prove incredibly fulfilling. Turn the phone off for a few hours each day and enjoy the peace.

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Sharing ideas with open-minded people gives you renewed confidence. Usually, you don't care what other people think of your plans, but the next three weeks may be different. Getting feedback on various projects will help you see which areas can be improved. Take care not to show your efforts to overly critical friends and relatives. They are trying to compensate for their own weaknesses, and may take it out on you.

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Communications with authority figures may be more productive than they have been in the past. These people are finally willing to listen to what you have to say. In addition, you're able to get your ideas across without seeming vindictive or angry. By working together, you can forge a compromise that makes your work situation far more pleasant. You don't have to get all the items on your wish list granted; a majority will do.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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An interest in unfamiliar customs and cultures could take you to a distant land. Even armchair travel can be rewarding. If you can't get away, rent a film or documentary about a country that interests you. Studying different ways of life can help you make better sense of your own attitudes. The fact is, much of your outlook has been shaped by your predecessors. Start shaping a view that reflects your sensibilities.

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A curiosity about life after death could prompt you to read books on esoteric subjects. Some may call your interest morbid, but they couldn't be more wrong. Actually, you're trying to gain a greater understanding of your own existence. By contemplating what is on the other side, you may decide to make some radical changes to your present lifestyle. There's no sense in delaying your happiness for a later time.

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