
A cooperative spirit helps oil the wheels of progress and you're getting on particularly well with a newcomer. Working quietly in the background with likeminded people suits you better today than being the centre of attention. You will happily leave others to be in the forefront of group activities while you keep your own contributions low key and quiet. The knowledge you acquire through a team effort will open new doors for you.

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A powerful person or difficult situation is destroying a loved one's confidence. You could try to do something about it especially if you're worried they're taking some things too seriously. All you need do is have a quiet word with them. As well as your words helping to enhance their self esteem, they may feel more able to cope a little better. If necessary, persuade a loved one to start looking for a new job or to pull out of problem arrangements.

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A controversial matter must be dealt with even if at present it doesn't affect your own or other people's work. If you're in a position of authority it's good management practice to discreetly ask how everyone feels. A problem could escalate and you could even lose a member of staff either temporarily or permanently. Is it possible for your company to offer those who feel aggrieved a counselling service?

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Consult a legal expert before entering any agreements, especially if you don't understand the fine print. You might feel tempted to let your instincts guide you but in some matters, logic mixes well with intuition and this is one of them. Expect a see-saw feel to the day when one moment you feel positive and optimistic but the next, feelings of doubt intrude. Resist the urge to alter agreements and decisions which have already been made.

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A decision to make a fresh start in a close relationship won't be regretted. New promises are made and you will have every intention of keeping them. It might feel as if the sun is now shining on your partnership again with a secret hope looking as if it will come to pass in the near future. Friends and loved ones are in an expansive and cheerful mood and are ready to give you all the support you need.

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Your frustration isn't without good reason; ignore it when someone accuses you of making mountains out of molehills. Another person's attitude and lack of consideration is causing you stress and may even make you feel ill. What you need is some time to yourself to enjoy a sense of freedom, joy and appreciation. A change of scene might also help you see this relationship in a different light and you will feel more able to confront the situation head on, once you return home.

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Trends later in the day provide the chance for you to tidy up uncertainties left over from this morning's indecision. Discussions earlier will have blurred your mind to a point where you can't seem to think straight. Emotions are interfering with logic and you need some space to get your thoughts together. You are wise to refrain from entering into any form of arrangement involving people you are unsure of.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Whenever and wherever you can, keep on the move. There will be more interest and enjoyment found through social activities and by keeping active. Boredom will set in if you stay in the same place for too long. If a loved one suggests an outing to get away from your usual haunts and visit a place new to you, take them up on their offer. Also, there is a person who has been in your thoughts a lot lately and they would love to hear from you.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Changes now taking place will be easier to accept once you get used to certain ideas and conditions. Knowing this is the way things have to be helps you take a philosophical approach to what is now going on in your life. Family and friends help motivate you through the toughest times. An older relative will remind you that circumstances may be difficult but it's not going to be forever!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your future security is important to you; not having goals in life will be like following a path to nowhere. Others who are linked with you emotionally or financially may not be so bothered about the future but you need to decide on both your short term and long term aims. Knowing where you are going will greatly improve your lifestyle. An inspirational idea will give you fresh insight on how to achieve a special goal.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're sensitive in other people's company and your intuition is working overtime. You will sense it when people need advice or when they just want you to listen. Sit tight if you find yourself in a tricky situation later in the day and have faith that things will work out for you. Sometimes doing nothing is the best thing you can do. Instinct will tell you when to act and when to remain silent.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Getting to the bottom of a mystery involving a close friend or lover won't be as easy as you expected. Enquiries take you round in circles and there will be some moments when you feel quite flat and unsatisfied. People are sworn to secrecy and aren't giving you all the information you need. If a lover's behaviour is causing you concern, there is someone who will agree you deserve an explanation. Eventually you will get the answers you're looking for.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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