
You're having a difficult time with someone you work with either professionally or on a voluntary basis. Although you respect their position, you feel their methods have had their day. Unfortunately, suggesting updated procedures could get you in trouble. Their pride will be offended by your advice. If you want to create something new, edgy and trendy, you will have to strike out on your own. Launching a business will be one way to exercise your leadership ability.

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It's best to keep your private life under wraps. Discussing the details of your love life in a public setting will lead to trouble. You don't want a stuffy teacher to pass judgment on you. Having your work assessed on its own merit is critical to your success. It would be a shame if someone tried to put you down because they disagree with your lifestyle. Never underestimate the role of prejudice in holding worthy people back. Even people in high places can be shockingly narrow minded.

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Resist the temptation to make a scene in a stuffy environment. You love rocking the boat, but reflect on how others will be affected by your behaviour. You don't want a friend or relative to pay the price for your actions. Be polite and respectful to everyone you meet, even if they seem hopelessly stuffy. If you're a guest in someone else's home, don't mock their taste. Instead, be as gracious as possible. Pattern your behaviour after a respectful person you've always admired.

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You're tired of being defined by your job. The temptation to get involved with a group that seems totally antithetical to your work is strong. Unfortunately, following this impulse could lead to trouble. You don't want to be implicated in someone else's unethical behaviour. You've worked hard to build a stellar reputation. Don't destroy all these efforts for the sake of pride. You can explore other avenues in your free time, but don't let this search jeopardise your career.

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Sensitive topics like religion or politics will cause an argument. There's no point in trying to convert someone to your point of view. They'll only resent your efforts. If you find someone's beliefs utterly offensive, it may be best to part ways. It's hard for you to respect a person with antiquated ideas. Even though you have great reverence for tradition, you will not buy into any attitude that denigrates whole segments of society. If you're forced to work with a bigot, keep them at arm's length.

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An unexpected expense throws you for a loop. It's hard for a conscientious person like you to get blindsided like this. Such emergencies fly in the face of all your preparations. Instead of giving in to anxiety, focus on activities that give you comfort. Seek out a friend who exudes an air of calm. Being in their company will teach you some valuable lessons. Countering stress with inner peace can be tremendously effective. You have more control over the situation than you realise.

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Tension between you and a loved one is mounting. You feel torn between your desires and theirs. Deferring to their choices has become a bore. You're tired of letting them pick the movie and restaurant all the time. If this dynamic is going to change, you have to be more assertive. It may even be necessary to argue as a means to get your way. There are worse things in life than disagreeing. No relationship is worth losing yourself to another person.

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Hostility at work is too much to bear. The healthy thing to do may be to leave your job. It will be easier to do this if you find another position first. Tell relatives, neighbours and friends you are looking for work. Describe your dream job. Don't feel pressured into accepting an offer that isn't right for you. You will fare best with an employer with an impressive track record. Resist the temptation to join a fly by night operation. It won't be a success and it could cause problems further down the line.

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You'll have to make a personal sacrifice for someone you love. Showing a loved one you are willing to cancel a holiday or quit a job for their sake will mark a turning point. Instead of being at odds, you'll be able to form a united front. Going against your own interests is difficult for you. You've never admired martyrs. Every once in a while life invites us to act selflessly. By rising to the challenge, you'll learn valuable lessons about love.

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A stressful home life is undermining your abilities. It's hard for you to focus on work when you're always worrying about a relative. This could be a sign it is time to slow down. Focusing on your domestic life will repair some damaged relationships. When your nearest and dearest realise how much you value them, they'll stop acting out. It's simply a matter of changing your priorities. Stop using your job as an excuse to avoid unpleasant truths.

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Someone will blurt out a hurtful remark, causing you to question your friendship. You're starting to realise this loved one has been harbouring resentment towards you. The more you probe, the more obvious their anger will become. There may not be anything you can do to repair this relationship. Be willing to part ways. It's not healthy for you to be close to somebody who is jealous of your talent and begrudges your good fortune. Seek out more supportive company.

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Fluctuations in your financial life make it difficult to relax. It's hard to make plans for the future when you're worried about going broke. Stop trying to pattern your life after utterly predictable friends. Although your loved ones have the future planned to the letter, they lack spontaneity. You prefer living in the moment. If this means going on faith, so be it. In most cases, your gambles pay off. Stop fearing disaster and cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

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