
You want to make life easy and pleasant for children, but don't make the mistake of spoiling them. Discipline and good manners are among the greatest gifts you can give to young people. Reward achievements and polite behaviour, but punish those who can't or won't live up to your high standards. The more consistent you are, the more quickly people will learn their lessons. Part of being a role model is imposing strong guidelines.

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If your home life wasn't as enjoyable as you wanted it to be, take heart. You can now craft a lifestyle more suited to your needs. Don't dwell on past disappointments that can't be changed. Otherwise, you will rob yourself of the love and happiness you've always deserved. Of course, that doesn't mean you should deny the positive aspects of your childhood, either. Celebrate what was wonderful, and chalk up the rest to a learning experience.

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Don't think that charm will fool people who are more experienced than you are. If you are at an intellectual disadvantage, start asking questions, and pay attention to the answers. People will respect you much more if you're honest about your ignorance. After all, it takes courage to admit you know less than everybody else. An expert could take you under their wing if you play your cards right.

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It's hard not to envy a successful person, but give yourself credit for what you've accomplished. True, you haven't experienced the same results, but you're on a different path. If you're really determined to do better, set goals that are appropriate for you. Get the instruction and experience you need, no matter what sacrifices are involved. You've got all the willpower and leadership ability to reach the top.

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People would be astonished to realise how much you are intimidated by others. What they don't know is that your confident attitude is really a front for profound insecurities. If you'd stop telling yourself you look silly or foolish, you'd begin to relax and see yourself as others do. The fact is, you possess a kind of animal magnetism that automatically inspires trust. Tap into this feeling the next time you are scared.

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It's important to listen to your body's signals, or you could let a health problem fester. Consult a medical professional about any persistent aches or pains you've been experiencing. A simple course of therapy may be all you need to ease this problem. Why suffer if you can treat the problem? Some people make a big deal out of putting up with terrific pain, but that's a waste of valuable energy. Treat your system respectfully.

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You may feel overburdened by responsibilities to your friends today. You've got to start living for yourself. Trying to please your compatriots will deprive you of the pleasure and enjoyment you deserve. Pretending to enjoy activities for the sake of harmony is a waste. Offer to join your pals when they're doing something you like to do, and bow out gracefully when they've planned a boring outing. This will take a weight off your shoulders.

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You need to spend time with your family to maintain a loving closeness. Although you may be performing certain duties out of concern for them, it's more important to make time for loved ones. Children are especially hurt when you are too busy for them. Postpone big meetings for another day, and focus on your nearest and dearest. The less emphasis you put on work, the happier you all will be.

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Don't go ahead with a complicated plan until you've attended to the details. It's easy for you to get swept away on a tide of enthusiasm, but your high energy will wane as soon as you hit small obstacles. Enlist the aid of an organised friend who can anticipate all the problems your project might involve. Being prepared will make things run much more smoothly. A cautious approach works best today.

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Being self-indulgent makes you forget your obligations to others. Yes, it's fun to pamper your material side, but others are suffering at your expense. If you owe money, cut back on little luxuries until you've settled your debts. Otherwise, you will create resentment and tarnish your reputation. These may seem like small concerns now, but they won't be when you need further assistance. Do the right thing.

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You've made a lot of concessions in the past, but nobody seems willing to do the same for you. If your relationships seem a trifle one-sided, you may want to reconsider your own behaviour. Do you give in to other people's plans because you are afraid they won't like you otherwise? If that's the case, change your attitude. Standing by your opinions will win you respect and admiration - not to mention loyal friends.

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You could be deceiving yourself with regard to career prospects; get as much training as you can. Having a pleasant personality and a nice demeanour are important, but these things won't net you the plum positions you crave. Get a certificate or advanced degree in a subject you adore. The more impassioned you are about your studies, the better your job offers will be. Your mind and spirit must be engaged to achieve success.

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