
You feel the urge to purge your household of clutter. Divide unwanted items into three piles: Junk, sell and donate. If you have a hard time deciding what to keep, ask yourself whether the item is useful or beautiful. If it's neither, get rid of it. If it is useful, ask yourself whether you have used it within the last year. When the answer is no, sell the item. Once your surroundings are clean, neat and spacious, you'll become a lot more productive.

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You're extremely headstrong and won't be swayed from your opinions. As far as you're concerned, a successful relationship requires love, honour and respect. If you're not getting these things, you will move on. This doesn't mean you are unkind. You're very sympathetic to people who experience hard luck. Even so you tend to judge someone's character by how they react to problems. You won't have much patience for anyone who wallows in self pity.

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You love going to extremes, but your body is rebelling against this trend. Stop drinking and eating to excess, or you will feel the effects. If you get invited to a party, resist the urge to overdo it. Others are paying close attention to you. The last thing you want is to gain a reputation for being a wild reveller. Are you struggling with an ache or pain? Why not take a trip to the doctor to put your mind at rest? You may have to adjust your lifestyle and change your ways for a wee while.

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You've always been protective of family and that's especially true now. If you're worried about a child's long term security, put some money away in their name. Adding to this fund will give them a buffer against economic uncertainty. If you have several people you want to help, it's important to earmark funds. Putting everything into a joint account will just create lots of in fighting when the time comes to disburse it. This is also a good time to go grocery shopping and do household chores.

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A passionate person like you needs a channel for your powerful emotions. Embarking on a romance will be thrilling, but think about putting your energy towards a creative project instead. Painting, playing music, dancing and acting are all good avenues to explore. The nice thing about having a hobby is that you will call all the shots. You won't have to compromise your vision. You have very specific ideas about what your work should look like and won't stop until you achieve the intended effect.

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Making an impulsive decision will feel liberating. Ordinarily, you deliberate over choices until all the fun has been drained from the process. Now you're determined to strike out in a new direction. You're also prepared to accept the consequences. This bold behaviour causes friends to sit up and take notice. They're not used to seeing you this way. It feels good to defy their expectations. There's more to you than meets the eye. Let down your guard so your wild side can come out to play.

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When your sense of justice is offended, you fly into a rage. This is astonishing for outsiders to see. A diplomat like you rarely loses their cool. There are some situations that cannot be treated with tact. You have to confront the bully who is creating all this trouble. Like most abusive people, this character will back down as soon as they are challenged. Make your accusations in a public place. Having witnesses will help you argue from a position of strength.

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It feels like you're riding an emotional rollercoaster. A rocky romance is causing you to lay awake at night. You're tired of wondering about your lover's motives. It's time for the two of you to have a heart to heart chat. Be honest about your needs, but try not to resort to ultimatums. People can't change their behaviour overnight. Praise and encouragement works wonders. Many people don't realise it, but you need both verbal and physical expressions of affection to be happy.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Nobody can stand in your way; you are destined for success. That's because you back up your optimism with determination. When you encounter difficulties, you laugh and pretend they don't exist. Eventually, these sticky points give way and you're able to move forward again. Are you looking for a job? Go back to a place where you once applied and ask for another interview. Your upbeat attitude will turn the tide in your favour. You'll be able to negotiate a good salary, too.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Keep your motives a secret from the world at large. The best way to assess someone's character is to lull them into a sense of security. If you pretend you aren't aware of certain incidents from the past, they'll relax and become complacent. At that point, you'll discover whether you can trust them or not. You have to be discerning about the company you keep. When outsiders see you associating with questionable types, they'll become suspicious of you. Protect your reputation.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Stop driving yourself so hard. There is lots of work to be done, but you just have one pair of hands. If certain jobs fall through the cracks, so be it. Jeopardising your health for the sake of a deadline makes no sense. Take frequent breaks and schedule outings with friends. You'll be a lot more productive if you change gears from time to time. It will also help to delegate jobs to other relatives and roommates. If that's not possible, think about hiring some help.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Try not to be too possessive of a loved one. A friend is exploring new territory and is bound to meet interesting people along the way. Just because they want to spend time with their new acquaintances doesn't mean you have become obsolete. Encourage these associations and keep busy with personal projects. Having more time to yourself will fuel your creativity and prompt you to return to an activity you loved as a child. You will feel years younger as a result.

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