
Just because you have more experience than someone doesn't mean you are smarter. Be open to learning from a newcomer. Their fresh perspective can infuse you with enthusiasm. Besides, there is a good chance you will learn some valuable skills from this novice. Everybody is good at different things. You should be proud of your expertise, but don't let it cut you off from others. Expand your professional network and make friends with people from all levels of the organisation.

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Reduced finances are a source of strain. It's hard to cultivate intimacy when you're always worried about making ends meet. Whether you're in a business or romantic relationship, you should make a plan for the future together. Consolidating your debts and putting yourself on a strict repayment plan are among the possibilities. Instead of worrying how your situation will appear to others, think about what will be best for you. Making a fresh start will draw you and your partner closer together.

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A close alliance feels oppressive. You want to spread your wings and fly, but your friend won't let you. Instead of letting resentment build, get your feelings out in the open. A heart to heart discussion will ease your fears about losing your identity. A short trip on your own may offer temporary relief. Make plans to visit a friend who lives in a nearby city. You'll have lots of fun visiting unfamiliar restaurants, museums and shops. Comforting routines aren't your thing; you crave adventure.

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Anxiety is causing health problems. It's critical to process your stress more effectively. Taking up a spiritual practice can be helpful. When daily life becomes oppressive, it can help to put your faith in a higher power. You don't have to follow an organised religion, although this can be comforting for some. Embracing the beauty of nature can be a helpful reminder that you are just a small part of the Universe. Problems that seem terribly important to you are really just a drop in the ocean.

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Try not to be a wet blanket. Undercutting a child's enthusiasm is selfish. If you're not interested in their favourite activity or hobby, fake it. You might not realise it, but your opinion means a great deal to this young person. By showing your approval, they'll work hard to perfect their skills. This will be a great growth opportunity. The sooner a person learns about the benefits of diligence, the better. Don't stand in the way of an important life lesson.

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You're not getting paid enough money, which is causing lots of anxiety. Jobs are scarce and you're worried about going deep in debt. At times like this, you must be creative. Moving into a more lucrative field will be empowering. Do some research into markets that are short of qualified workers. Many of your skills can be transferred to another industry. You will have to get some additional training, but that won't be a problem. You've always been a fast learner.

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You lack the education you require to get ahead. Unfortunately, some training courses can be expensive. Apply for a scholarship or grant. A religious, cultural or government agency can help cover the cost. Working as an apprentice or intern can also fill the gaps of your knowledge. The pay won't be great. You might even have to work for free. Sometimes you have to take extraordinary measures to meet your goals. Make a personal sacrifice for the sake of progress.

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Family obligations are weighing on your shoulders. It's important to find an outlet for your frustrations. Spending time on hobbies, sports and creative pursuits will restore your enthusiasm for life. Don't hesitate to hire a babysitter or even a cleaning service to get some time off. Doing all the work on your own will result in burnout. Are there other relatives who can share the burden? Make a few phone calls. It's easier to cope with responsibilities when they are shared among a group.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're not having much fun these days. A heavy workload keeps you from accepting invitations and going out with friends. It feels like your nearest and dearest have forgotten about you. That's not really true. Your loved ones do miss you, but they understand you are dealing with some heavy burdens. Many are reluctant to offer help because you turned down their assistance in the past. If you're pushed against the wall, send up a red flag. Several friends will come running to your side.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Working in solitude will create problems with your colleagues. It's important to build good relationships with your fellow workers. Being too independent will make the team angry and resentful. If you're unemployed, you might want to change the way you look for work. Draw on your social contacts instead of applying to help wanted ads. Never underestimate the importance of a strong social network when seeking a job. Who you know is more important than professional experience.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Friends aren't supporting your plans. They're afraid you're taking a dangerous risk. While you find this attitude tiresome, there may be something valid about these concerns. You can't afford to gamble with your hard earned cash. Keep your savings in the bank, where it will gain interest. A better chance to start a business or go on a trip will soon arrive. Hold out for a solid offer from a respected executive or established company. Getting involved with a start up venture will be cause for regret.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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The demands of work are draining your energy. You simply can't keep continuing at the same backbreaking pace. Reduce the hours you work and spend more time at home. Your employer won't be thrilled with your decision, but there's no other alternative. You have to have a rewarding personal life to be a good employee. Nothing charges your batteries like being with your loved ones. Are you far from kin? Arrange to visit your favourite relative. There's more to you than your job.

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