
Ingrained attitudes will be difficult to overcome, so it might help to examine your typical reactions to domestic situations. Express your intention to do this, and get others on your side. In this way any changes you hope to initiate will have the full support and backing of your family. If you make the first move, those around you will be only too willing to meet you half way, and that is very encouraging. Direct surplus energy into something physical – getting odd jobs done around the house or garden could be very satisfying.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Hopes and wishes are an important part of all of us, and today you feel a strong desire to examine your vision for living. What are your goals and aspirations? Do they serve you as you are now, or have they been with you for so long that they have just become part of your mindset? The Piscean Moon will help you contact your innermost impulses and so you may find yourself moving towards more compassionate and sensitive dreams for the future. You will also appreciate the love beauty and happiness in your current surroundings.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You want to express your opinion on all and everything, just make sure you know exactly what it is first. It is true that your mind can cope with many things at once, and a variety of topics interest you, but changing your mind to suit the opinions of those around you is not your way. Give yourself time to sift through your thoughts and ideas and be clear in your mind exactly what it is you want to convey. Then you will not risk confusing other people – or yourself!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You are in a reflective mood; as your thoughts turn inwards going off by yourself may seem like an appealing prospect. Perhaps a change from your usual routine is all you need to liven things up and restore your spirits. If your communication with others does not satisfy this need, then take another approach. Visit the library, acquire travel brochures, or look up information on the Internet – anything that will open you to new experiences and capture your interest will pay dividends.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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If you want to know more about yourself then look to the friends and acquaintances you choose to spend your time with. Your affiliation to a group or society will say a lot about you, so think about the ones you already belong to and also of any you hope to become a part of. Working as part of a team will bring out the best in you, so go ahead and join in with others. Having interesting and intelligent exchanges with like-minded folk could indeed be fascinating.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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If you have been considering expanding your vocational skills now would be a good time to consult others about your ideas. Perhaps you would like to achieve more qualifications, or attend a course. On the other hand you may simply feel your talents are not being fully made use of and would like a change in your workload. Either way, talk to co-workers and superiors before you do anything definite and it will prevent any controversy or bad feeling arising from the outset.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You are able to bring an artistic flair to any job or assignment you undertake today, whatever your field of occupation. From brightening your workplace with a bunch of flowers, to saying just the right thing to impress your boss, to a spark of brilliance in your work, you bring a touch of artistry and ease to your environment. Relationships run smoothly, and you happily relate to others and their ideas. It has to be said – you are a joy to be around today!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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It is obvious to all around you what your most cherished convictions and beliefs are by the way you conduct yourself. Assertiveness comes naturally to you, but be careful not to force your theories on to others or they may respond in a way contrary to what you would like. If you want people to understand and accept your views try to express your opinions in a more subtle and gentle manner; it will give them the chance to discern and then respect your own particular philosophy of life.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Having a quiet few hours relaxing at home could be just the thing to restore your energy and brighten your spirits. Perhaps the demands of daily life have been a little challenging of late, or you may want to reflect upon something a partner or close friend has brought to your attention. Either way, this period spent in your own surroundings has a very positive effect, and you are soon able to adopt a philosophical attitude and your usual ease and facility with the world.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the goal you have in mind if you want to bring your aspirations to fruition. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted from the tasks you set yourself, or the responsibilities you have undertaken. The more efficient and orderly you are now, the better. Sit down and methodically list all your plans and enterprises if you feel it would help. Talk to others too, but be careful not to be so preoccupied with your own affairs that you neglect to take an interest in theirs.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Objectivity is called for today, as everything seems to require a little extra effort and application than usual. Whether it is concerned with taking care of a child, engaging in a creative or artistic pursuit, or even in the area of romance, the best way forward is to progress in a circumspect orderly manner. The challenge is to learn all you can about yourself and your own particular needs and pleasurable diversions. Decide what recreational activities you most enjoy – then go ahead and enjoy them!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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As the Moon remains in your sign, your sensitivity, compassion and intuition are especially heightened. You may wish to spend some congenial time gently conversing with your close family, or perhaps you might prefer to revel in the more solitary world of daydreams and fantasy. Whichever way you choose to express this energy, ideas and feeling will surface that can, if used constructively, bring a touch of inspiration to all you do. If not, then muddle and confusion is possible.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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