
Group enterprises turn out to be lots of fun between now and mid-March. You enjoy trading ideas with others, as this affords you the chance to improve on promising concepts. Your colleagues offer plenty of constructive criticism, which you greatly appreciate. Rivalry won't play much of a role in these discussions; everyone is focused on helping each other. An exciting career opportunity could arrive by early February. Don't be afraid to ask for a higher salary than is initially offered.

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You could be put in the public eye over the next two months. Normally, you're not comfortable speaking before large crowds, but this attitude could change. The more practice you get, the more comfortable you will become. It also helps that you will be dealing with receptive audiences. People are eager to learn what you have to teach. If you focus on being yourself, all will be well. A chance to further your knowledge of your favourite subject could arrive as a result of your talks.

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Expanding your horizons will afford great pleasure from now until mid-March. This would be a great time to take a trip or re-educate. Publishing an article or book is another possibility. A new phase to your love life is unfolding, which thrills you to the bone. Tuning into your physical needs affords much needed balance. Contrary to what many people think, you're not simply an intellectual. You have tremendous desires that demand fulfilment.

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You've always been very intuitive, but you'll be especially so over the next two months. If you suspect someone has a crush on you, you're probably right. The two of you could make an excellent love match. In the event you're already in a relationship, feel free to pass some of your responsibilities onto your partner. You're always so self reliant. Your mate will be happy to lend a helping hand for a change. News of an engagement or marriage could reach your ears by early February.

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You'll have a firm friend in a business or romantic partner between now and mid-March. It's as though your hearts and minds work in perfect synchronicity. Take this opportunity to discuss sensitive topics like careers, finances, and children. You could resolve a matter which would ordinarily lead to an argument. If you're looking for work, you could get several good offers by early February. Although the best offer will be a lateral move, it will afford more pleasure than your current position does.

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Watching after your health is imperative over the following eight weeks. Give extra thought to what you eat and how you exercise during this fateful period. If you put on extra pounds over the holidays, you have a marvellous chance to take them off by next season. Your new health regime will give you a most alluring sparkle. Don't be surprised if you find romance at the gym or health food store. Conceiving or adopting a child is favoured between now and early February.

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If you've ever wanted to put pen to paper - or fingers to keyboard, for that matter - now is the time to do so. You could have the first draft of a book or screenplay in eight weeks, provided you're disciplined. Head for a cafe on your lunch hour or wake up an hour earlier to write down your thoughts. At this stage, you need to focus on quantity, rather than quality. don't worry you can always make revisions later.

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Working from home could prove productive between now and mid-March. It's easier to block out distractions when you can control your environment. It's also possible you'll entertain a houseguest during this busy period. Don't be afraid to ask your friends for assistance with household chores. They'll be more than happy to pitch in. You could get exciting news about a financial matter. Getting business cards printed or taking out an advertisement will bring in even more money.

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You'll have tremendous versatility over the next eight weeks. Multitasking provides more pleasure than focusing on one job at a time. Ideas come fast and furious when you occupy your conscious mind with routine tasks like doing laundry, balancing your chequebook, and running errands. A new source of income could present itself between now and early February. This job will seem like an answer to a prayer, and probably is.

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Spending money on travel, education, and time saving gadgets is strongly advised over the next two months. The conservative side of your personality may balk at these expenditures, but they will end up saving you money in the long run. If you've been in the market for a computer, do so within two weeks. You could find a terrific bargain on an advanced model you otherwise could not afford. Splurging on clothes or a new hairstyle is also advised.

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Your intellectual curiosity will be at an all time high between now and mid-March. Take this opportunity to sign up for a course. It doesn't have to be related to your career; it just has to excite your imagination. Spending more time on your own will prove fulfilling for the rest of the month. You led an active social life during the holidays. Now you've got to recharge your batteries. Solitary activities like reading, writing, and meditation can restore your good spirits.

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It's essential to turn a deaf ear to meddling voices. You're tired of people telling you what to do. Relying on your intuition will serve you well over the next two months, particularly with regard to neighbours, relatives, and contractual matters. Ironically, the more you avoid people, the greater your popularity will be. Invitations to parties and swanky events will come pouring in between now and early February. Be very selective about which offers you accept.

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