
A venture or project gives you plenty of stimulation allowing you to communicate ideas to people who matter. If you're a wee bit intimidated about putting your thoughts on paper, record them instead. You can also express your thoughts through a visual medium. Whatever form your creativity takes, be sure to show it off. Appreciative audiences will inspire you to push your talent even further. Prepare for superstardom!

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No matter what it takes you're eager to gain more knowledge and meet new people. One of the best ways to expand your horizons is to go on a trip for travel will introduce you to all kinds of exciting topics. Explore a country that has always fascinated you. You have an affinity for places that are on the cutting edge. You may come away from this journey in a philosophical mood. Think about ways you can integrate new ideas into your daily life it will help the anti-climax when you get home.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Research and analysis prove compelling, as you want to know the 'whys' and 'wherefores' of everything. If an expert's version of the truth seems unsatisfying to you, dig a little deeper. There may be alternative theories to the contrary that seem more reasonable to you. Although you have a respect for tradition, you can also appreciate that truth is an evolving matter. It takes a long time before the whole puzzle comes together but with your academic or scientific mind you just don't mind!

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Intellectual compatibility is the most important aspect of a relationship from now until mid-February. You want to share the same view of things with friends and relatives. If you don't, you feel hopelessly mismatched. Give folks a break if they don't share your political or cultural sensibilities. Chances are, you share other bonds that just aren't apparent on the surface. Team up with somebody who likes to philosophise out loud they will give you plenty of food for thought.

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Be eager to explore different ways you can whip your body into shape for Christmas/Hogmanay. Consult a medical or fitness expert for ideas that you can incorporate into your eating/drinking habits or daily routines. Keep in mind that there isn't a single solution for everybody. You have a unique body type that demands certain kinds of nourishment and exercise. It's better to get advice specifically geared to you than to follow a fad diet or random workout routine.

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You've been blessed with a keen intellect and should be anxious to put it to practical use now. If your career or life hasn't been affording you the stimulation you crave, consider joining a local group. You can even join an online club if you're not comfortable with face-to-face interactions. If you really want to challenge yourself, take a creative class. You tend to underplay your visual skills and playing with colour in particular can open new worlds for you.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Your home is turned into an HQ of some kind, as you become the central figure of a local event. You've always been a marvellous socialite so why not use your talent to bring people of like minds together? It's guarantees your popularity especially at this time of year. You will also be using your place as a means to make your own plans for upcoming festivities. Get used to the sound of the phone or doorbell ringing it may not stop until February!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You've such a quick wit and lively sense of humour now making top of the neighbourhood pops! Don't be surprised if you are forced to choose among several hot parties this holiday season. I can't disagree that it feels divine to be in demand like this, but you still need to cut yourself a little slack. Instead of pushing yourself to attend one extra gathering not on your list, spend an occasional quiet evening at home. There's no sense in burning yourself out. You'll go to the places you're meant to go, no more, no less.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Spending extra money on bargains now is a wise idea, as you'll make savings in the long run. Once you get an idea of where your hard-earned cash is going, it will be easier to budget for the weeks ahead. Time-saving gadgets are also a prudent investment. How long are you going to put off getting the latest printer, computer or answer phone? The time it takes dealing with faulty machinery is worth the price of a new appliance! In the end the more mod-con you are the more people will want your services.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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People wade in and out of your life at an alarming rate are you ready for action? Don't take it personally; it's just the fallout from the stagnant period from which you've recently emerged. After weeks of humming and haring, people are starting to make decisions. Prepare to make some last minute adjustments to cater for and satisfy everybody's needs as if they are happy so will you be. Don't forget your sense of humour when things get taut.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Working out problems for yourself is preferable to discussing them with lots of people. Too much advice will leave your mind more fogged up. You're the only one who knows what is best for you. Ironically, many people may approach you with unsolicited advice. Turn a deaf ear to these helpful but hindering hints. The only way you're going to be happy is by consulting your heart, and then following what it says. A spiritual or religious dilemma may be the source of your confusion.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're very socially minded but your plan to mix and match your friends may not work. Don't be disappointed if these two groups find little in common. You can't force kinship. What you don't realise is that you have many complex, and often conflicting, sides of your own personality. That's why you attract such disparate kinds of people. No wonder they have a hard time getting along! Some barriers are worth maintaining, you see, you have made these friends for a reason as they appeal to different parts of you.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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