
You long for a career that allows you to operate independently. To achieve this goal, you must pay your dues. This could involve working for a demanding employer, serving as an unpaid apprentice or earning an advanced degree. The temporary sacrifice will pay off. Don't complain when you're expected to work long hours with little recognition. It takes practice to achieve the excellence. After you've established yourself as one of the most talented people in the field, you'll be able to set your own hours.

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It's not enough for you to read extensively about a subject to become an expert. You must train with someone who can assess your progress. Entering a challenging academic programme won't be easy. You might have to take several tests before being accepted. Be open to breaking old habits to acquire new skills. When your instructor tells you to take another approach, you should listen. Adjusting to this new way of doing things will be uncomfortable at first, but you'll soon get used to it.

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When you feel powerless, try to help those who are more vulnerable. Not only will this be empowering, but it will be emotionally rewarding, too. Nothing lifts your spirits like watching others thrive in your care. Sign up to work at a volunteer organisation. The contacts you make at this institution will improve your own prospects. Don't be surprised when you're offered a job. It's also possible you'll meet someone who can help you with a tax or insurance issue.

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You want to follow an unusual career path, but your loved ones aren't being very supportive of this goal. Rather than seeking their approval, listen to your heart. You're the one who must perform this work. Performing a job that you hate will create resentment. There's a good possibility that your work will involve lots of rejection. Developing a thick skin will help you endure negative feedback until you achieve the fame and acclaim you deserve. Patience and persistence are key to your success.

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A health concern is making it difficult to travel. It's frustrating to be held to a certain area while you recover from a nagging condition. Rather than dwelling on your limitations, turn your thoughts to ideas that fill you with hope. Optimism speeds recovery. Resist the temptation to work harder than ever. It doesn't matter if you do physical labour or stare at the computer all day; your body must be treated with gentle respect. Slowly but surely, your natural vitality will be restored.

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Unexpected expenses will force you to take cost cutting measures. It may be necessary to cancel a holiday or restaurant reservation. Don't let these last-minute adjustments steal your joy. You can have a good time regardless of how much money you have. It's important to explain your situation to a partner with expensive tastes. If the object of your affection doesn't offer sympathetic encouragement, it's time to move on to greener pastures. You deserve a partner who will be faithful in both good times and bad.

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You resent when other people try to downplay your feelings. If anyone dares tell you to 'calm down,' you respond with anger. You're a smart person who has learned to respect your emotions. When people instruct you to ignore them, it feels like rejection. A competitor is more talented than you. Instead of being consumed by jealousy, try to learn from their methods. There's no need to copy their style, but you can adopt their work ethic. Devote more time to perfecting your craft.

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It takes time to develop a good idea. Stop trying to get results in record time. Slow and steady wins the race. If you must take a few primer courses to fill in the gaps of your knowledge, do so. An experienced teacher will shed light on concepts that have always eluded you. Listen carefully to their instructions and follow them to the letter. Read your assignments thoroughly. Practice techniques until you can perform them in your sleep. You must learn to walk before you can run.

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You lack the money to develop a creative idea. Don't give up hope. A supportive financial backer will appear if you maintain a positive outlook. Tell as many people as possible about your plan. Someone will introduce you to an innovator who can help you. When you're faced with an ethical dilemma, listen to your conscience. Doing something that goes against your principles will be serious cause for regret. You don't want to deal with the embarrassing backlash that results from this choice.

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Pursuing a dream isn't possible now. A family member needs your help in finding a better living situation. Put plans on hold while you search for a home or healthcare attendant that meets their needs. Your organisational skills will be very useful. A stable situation will dissolve into thin air. This is a blessing in disguise. When you get lulled into a sense of security, you lose your creative edge. Take this opportunity to invent a much happier situation for you.

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It isn't enough to have good ideas; you must be able to realise them. Unless you have the support of an official agency, it will be difficult to get a bold project off the ground. Take this opportunity to develop relationships with officials at a government, hospital or university. The more influential people you know, the easier it will be to get the necessary financial and practical assistance. Who you know is just as important as what you know. Get out there and network.

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Achieving financial independence will require some risks. Following a conventional path hasn't been very lucrative. You'll fare much better by listening to your heart. Pursuing a moneymaking activity that draws on your creative ability is strongly advised. Summon your courage and sell your handiwork. Friends won't be very supportive. They'll think you're wasting valuable time and resources on a dream that will never come true. Turn a deaf ear to these warnings. Having faith in your artistic abilities is the secret to your success.

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