
A misunderstanding with a relative or neighbour will throw you off balance. Somehow, your direct form of communication has missed the mark. Instead of trying to sort out the problem now, while tempers are high, make a strategic retreat. You can address this issue after a few days, when everyone has cooled down. Some people can't handle the truth. When they hear something they don't like, they choose a creative interpretation. The best thing you can do is reassert your point as bluntly as possible.

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Getting caught up in the material world is a game of diminishing rewards. If you feel an emotional void, seek to fill it with relationships and experiences. There's nothing wrong with indulging in luxuries, but your enjoyment of such things is limited. People, on the other hand, can be a source of boundless joy. The same is true of new adventures and enterprises. Call up a friend, schedule a trip or begin work on a creative project. The material world is overrated.

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Don't put too much emphasis on appearances. Substance is more important than style. If you're pressed for time, use precious moments to prepare the content of a presentation, instead of putting together an eye-catching outfit. Your communication powers are strong. Being able to sell a great idea is the best way to boost your professional reputation. We all want to look our best, but when this becomes the sole focus, people become suspicious. Nothing is more impressive than an expert who has easy command of reliable facts and figures.

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Misplaced sympathy will get you in trouble. Before buying into someone's sob story, you should do some research. You'll soon discover their claims are exaggerated. This should send up a red flag about their character. When a person tells lies about one thing, they're often dishonest about other assertions. You simply can't trust such a deceptive individual. Never reveal personal information to them. Always take their claims with a pinch of salt. The last thing you want is to fall victim to one of their tall tales.

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Resist the temptation to make friends with an influential person simply because they can help you. You're a warm, honest person who dislikes hypocrisy. Being friendly towards someone you dislike will make you unhappy. If you want to make progress in a particular area, you will have to do so alone. An official who has observed your hard work and dedication will offer assistance just when you need it most. When your motives are pure, the Universe usually gives you a break.

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You've had some impressive achievements. When discussing these accomplishments, make sure you share the credit with others. It doesn't matter if you had the help of a full time collaborator or simply benefitted from having an assistant. The important thing is to draw attention to those who allow you to work with accuracy and efficiency. When those around you feel appreciated, they'll double their efforts to make you successful. It's a win-win proposition.

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Trying to convert people will cause great resentment. This is a personal matter that must be approached with great tact. Assuming others are yearning to adopt your beliefs is egotistical. It's also insensitive. The best way to promote your ideals is through actions, not words. By winning the admiration and respect of friends, neighbours and colleagues, you'll begin changing hearts and minds. Even those who are happy with their convictions will respect yours.

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Putting too much emphasis on the physical aspect of a romance will cause trouble. If you want to achieve intimacy with someone special, you should do it through conversation. This will pave the way for satisfying sensual encounters. Your amour wants to feel valued for their soul as well as their body. There's nothing wrong with expressing admiration for their allure, but that shouldn't be the only source of praise. Give thanks for their support, humour and intelligence.

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Blind loyalty to a loved one is creating problems. It's time to be honest about your friend's strengths and weaknesses. If someone you love has been struggling with an addiction, confront them. Don't listen to their weak excuses for bad behaviour. Issue an ultimatum and prepare to deliver on it. If you continue to put up with their excuses, you'll get dragged down to their level. Sacrificing your happiness to uphold their delusions is a terrible mistake. Tell the truth, even if it does cause pain.

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Working conditions are uncomfortable. You're forced to deal with a loud construction project or unpleasant colleague. Talk to your supervisor about finding a better arrangement. As long as these distractions continue, your productivity will be undermined. If there is no workable solution, lower your expectations and do the best you can. It's unrealistic to generate impressive results when you're constantly interrupted. If anyone dares complain, give them a list of things that need to change.

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You've been working so hard that having fun is a distant memory. It's time to change your priorities. Take some time off work, even if it inconveniences your employer. When you put your needs first, your zest for life will be restored. Devote your energy to activities that make you happy. This can include anything from wandering through a bookstore to walking through the park to going to a concert. Stop telling yourself there isn't time to have fun.

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Staying home to avoid problems is a mistake. It's time to confront someone who has been causing you pain. Whether you're dealing with an office bully, a manipulative relative or a nasty neighbour, you must speak up. Instead of thinking of this as a terrible conflict, treat it like a personal challenge. By setting healthy boundaries, you'll be able to blast through obstacles that once blocked your progress. Stop deferring to people who are unkind and inconsiderate. Stand up for yourself.

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