
Your love life isn't exactly crackling with excitement now, due to work responsibilities. It's hard to be in the mood for romance when you're constantly thinking about what needs to be done at the office. Develop techniques for drawing a stronger line between your personal and professional lives. These could include quitting at a set time each day, refusing to take calls from your boss once you get home, and setting aside a couple of hours each day for sheer pleasure.

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Beware of getting too fixated on the details of a job. There is a tight deadline looming ahead, and you can't afford to miss it. Pick up the pace and don't worry if you make a few mistakes. Right now, people are relying on you to turn in a project so they can move forward with their part of the assignment. By letting them down, you'll make some powerful enemies. It's admirable you want to put in a flawless performance, but that's simply not realistic now.

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You're tired of playing second fiddle to people who don't possess your talent. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be room for both of you at your current employer, and the competition isn't looking for help. It looks like you'll just have to sit there and accept the situation. Instead of channelling all of your energy into work, take up a creative pursuit after hours. Give your best efforts to your hobby. That way, you'll find the emotional fulfilment you seek.

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The closeness you once enjoyed with family is hard to recapture now. You have too much professional responsibility to attend to your relatives' needs like you used to. There is actually a silver lining to this cloud. Now you're no longer around as much as you were in the past, everyone is being forced to become independent. This will teach the young ones valuable life skills, give the older people a stronger sense of purpose, and help your peers take work off your shoulders.

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It's hard to faze you, especially where professional matters are concerned. If a client makes an embarrassing scene, you're ready to move in and smooth their ruffled feathers. You won't put up with bad behaviour. When someone heaps abuse on you, that's the end of the conversation. This commands the respect of both your peers and superiors. Resist the urge to push yourself too hard at the gym. While it's admirable you want to get in shape, your body has its limits.

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A deep need for financial security prompts you to take a boring but steady job. If you're going to make the most of this situation, have a plan in place. Agree to do this work until a certain date, and within that period, save as much as you possibly can. There's no point in doing drudgery if you're not going to get something out of the bargain. Someone could have harsh words for you regarding a creative project. Try taking this criticism in stride.

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You've taken on a great amount of responsibility, and it is starting to take its toll on you. It's difficult being assertive when you seek to please everybody. The thought of treading on someone's toes makes you anxious. Today you'll have to oppose a powerful relative, sending shock waves through your loved ones. So be it. You've got too many things to do that are more important than worrying about their ego. Be ready to push back when this bully tries to keep you in your place.

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The cruelty of others is wearing you down. You simply can't bear to live in such a callous society. At times like these, it helps to get away from it all. Head off for a nature retreat where you can reconnect with your spirit. If you have youngsters, ask a trusted relative or friend to care for them while you're away. Even a short break can make all of the difference. Getting the training you need is difficult, as the class in question is filled to capacity.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It's hard to take an optimistic view of humanity, given your recent interactions with the public. Getting involved with a charitable organisation can lift your spirits. When you start interacting with people who are willing to donate their time and money to a good cause, you'll get a more balanced view of mankind. Someone could try to control you by holding a job over your head. Think twice before accepting this assignment, or you'll come to regret it.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A desire for power could be blotting out other important things in your life. It's time to scale back your ambition for the sake of your nearest and dearest. Although you may not get much money or prestige from hanging out with your family, you will get valuable perspective. Crafting your entire identity around work puts you in a dangerous position. Whenever you have trouble in your career, your ego will plummet. There's more to you than your job description.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Behaving as if you're morally superior to others won't win you any favours. It's time to get a more open minded attitude towards the world. Just because people don't conduct their lives the same way that you do does not mean they are immoral. It just means they have a different set of values. If you see someone doing something you consider offensive, take them aside and voice your disapproval privately. Nothing good comes from public shaming.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your intensity could be putting people off. This is especially true when it comes to romance. If you're in love with someone, you need to back off. Give them the breathing room they need. Relationships are like plants: They need fresh air, sunlight and water to thrive. When you smother your amour or keep your union hidden in darkness, it won't take flower. As far as work is concerned, lighten up with your colleagues. They aren't as heavily invested as the job as you.

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