
You need to find a way to ease the restless mood that is with you throughout the day. How can you expect to focus on serious concerns when your mind is all over the place? Rather than force yourself to try and concentrate (which won't work anyway) find something more exciting to do. Opt for jobs that can be dropped at a moment's notice should other more appealing opportunities come along!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You might feel flattered when someone trusts you to make a financial decision for them. Although you will be told to do what you feel is best, be sure to keep others advised of all that is going on. Refuse to act on a joint interest without the knowledge and full approval of a partner. In time to come you will be glad you involved them, every step of the way.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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In important affairs stay open minded to make most progress and a good impression on others. Be sure to let your natural inquisitiveness take over rather than accept what is being said as unalterable. If you see a way to improve on a situation, suggest this immediately. Someone will try to advise you to take a back seat but this will be for their benefit, not yours!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Normally you would hold back from expressing views that may cause controversy; not so today. You have a strong need to get your feelings across and to demand instant answers in situations that are causing upset or confusion. With you being more forceful than usual, people are likely to tell you what you need to know. Expect too, to discover a clever solution to a perplexing problem.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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A friend or loved one may reveal a side of their personality few people if any realise exists. You feel privileged to be trusted with their secrets and this can only serve to bring you closer together. At work, you have a lot to sort out before you can begin on a new assignment. This may be tedious and wearisome. It will also be satisfying, by the end of the day, to have got certain chores out of the way.

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No matter what your intentions, expect to be in demand by friends and neighbours alike. Although you know some people disagree with you, continue with your efforts to convince those around you to take up your ideas. You might think of a good way to bring improvements into your immediate environment. You know you are on the right track so persevere.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You will do best by showing restraint in chats about cash, family matters or relationships. In fact, keeping most opinions to yourself is probably the best thing you can do today. No matter what you say it will be taken the wrong way and arguments result. Encourage others to express their ideas so you know what you are up against but keep quiet yourself. Your time will come.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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'Though you start the day in an outgoing frame of mind from midday your mood will change; you will feel less sociable. The need to enjoy peace and quiet and no-one's company but your own makes itself felt as the day wears on. You might mull over recent events and the effect they have had on your life and relationships. One incident has revealed some interesting facts about someone you need to take on board.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Determined efforts made in the past may not have had a lot of impact at the time but they will bring rewards today. You want to get on and you will be throwing yourself into your work with energy and resolve. Appreciation will come in the form of official recognition or even a cash bonus. This respect along with the realisation of how much you have accomplished will spur you on to greater efforts.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You could learn a lot through taking notice of what is being said on the quiet; take a tip someone gives you seriously. By reading between the lines you will realise what is being said in front of an audience is not the whole story or total truth. Talks behind the scenes will reveal the full picture. Until you are in possession of all the facts, postpone making decisions.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Friendship and group activities continue to provide a lot of happiness despite the occasional spot of bother. Any problems that do occur are due to a clash of personalities or a conflict of interests. Opt to surround yourself with people you like to be with and usually get on well with. This should help minimize difficulties. If a housemate seems lonely, be sure they don't feel left out.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Something holds you back from letting others in on your thoughts and ideas. Whether it is a lack of confidence or timidity, force yourself to ignore negative feelings and reveal what you are thinking. You have some original and clever thoughts. Once people hear your suggestions they will encourage you to share more.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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