
Helping a group effort from behind the scenes will be surprisingly rewarding. Act quickly on an idea someone puts to you or this opportunity will quickly pass you by. If you've been keeping something secret, it won't be long before it is brought out into the open. A family or home improvement project will start to move ahead in a most fortuitous way.

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A problem you would rather not have to deal with needs your attention. It would be great if someone else was willing to do this for you but they aren't. You need to sort this out yourself. If you aren't sure of how to do so, a professional advisor might help.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Social activities could get expensive. You won't have noticed how much you have spent until it is too late to do anything about it. Someone who isn't particularly close to you will ask to borrow some money or machinery. Think carefully before responding. You might never see your money again or when and if this item is returned it will not be in such good condition. Cancer

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A partner or housemate is trying to persuade you out of your intentions or to try to see their point of view in a matter where opinions differ. This is starting to frustrate you. You can see why some people will make different decisions but they aren't you and you would prefer that they left you to make your own choices.

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Share your ideas. They will be well received bringing the chance of a bonus or an award. You're in tune with others in a group effort and this all highlights your ability as a team player. You're in tune with others in a group you are involved in and with you all sharing the same wavelength, progress will be significant.

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It doesn't matter how long you have known someone, there is always something new to find out about them. People change. You change. Circumstances change and so do the challenges you face. A big mistake in a long-term relationship is to assume you both still believe and need the same things you always have.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You have been making too big an effort to be someone you aren't just to keep other people happy. Both in your professional and personal life it is time to be yourself. Accept your limitations. Admit to yourself and to others that they are making unreasonable demands on you. Someone needs to accept you for who you are.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Discussing your thoughts and feelings and sharing your past experiences with a new friend or partner will help you build a strong, supportive relationship. Correspondence needs attention. It might not be your idea of fun but it would be a good idea to get up to date with legal and financial matters too.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A conversation with someone you argued with recently will go better than expected. It will be very apparent that you're both ready to let bygones be bygones. An academic individual will have strong influence when you might be studying something new and you will look to them to show you the way.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Invitations to parties and other social gatherings will he happily accepted. This is your chance to mix and mingle and meet new people. You could find yourself working with someone who never stops talking. Although you wonder how they ever get anything done, you will end the day feeling delighted with the results of a joint effort.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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There shouldn't be a problem coping with any extra jobs that come your way now even though you could end up with a little more on your plate than usual. There will also be a financial incentive in taking on a new challenge as your money situation is taking a turn for the better.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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New job opportunities will change a close relationship and you both need to plan for these changes. Don't assume you will just automatically adjust. You know couples who have not talked about major life events and ended up surprised their partner has not behaved as expected when the time arrived. Don't let this happen to you.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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