
It's important to give your superiors the respect they deserve, even if you don't agree with them. If you take exception to something an expert says, voice your opposition in private. Otherwise, you'll look as though you're jealous and petty. If you're dealing with someone who is already unpopular, you'll still get better results by discussing your problems away from the rest of the group. Your ultimate success relies on tact and discretion.

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Trying to push somebody into a financial deal is a bad idea right now. If things don't work out according to plan, your name will be tarnished. Besides, you wouldn't want to feel responsible for another person's losses. If you don't have the money you need to fund a project, approach your bank manager. Asking a friend for resources will create an uncomfortable power imbalance. You're better off being indebted to a bank.

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You may not have much confidence in a business or romantic partner, and with good reason. If this person has been behaving suspiciously, you need to monitor their activities. Perhaps they've been spending money irresponsibly. It's even possible they have been withholding information from you. Whatever the source of deception, you need to get the facts from an independent source. Play the part of an investigative reporter.

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You long to make a change to your daily routine, but have a great fear of the unknown. Confess your worries to a supportive friend who wants the best for you. They'll hold your hand through much of the process. Of course, the first step will be the most challenging one. Once you see what great things come as a result of your courage, it will be much easier to carry out your other plans.

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Letting children control your life is a recipe for disaster; it's time to adjust the balance of power. Your role as an adult is to set boundaries and instil discipline. If you don't do this, you'll create terrible problems for your young friend. Practice the fine art of saying "no," especially when it pains you to do so. Punish bad behaviour and reward progress. It will make a world of difference for you both.

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Powerful emotions are preventing you from operating well in the workplace. Don't be afraid to ask for counselling if you need it. Speaking to a professional can be tremendously helpful, because you can be entirely open and honest. If you're not ready to take this step, you may want to find a physical outlet for your frustrations. Working out can relieve lots of tension and will prompt you to make further healthy changes.

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Adopting a close-minded attitude will only complicate matters between you and a relative. Try to see things from their point of view. True, this person may have made mistakes in the past, but that doesn't mean they're incapable of changing their ways. Part of the problem may be you are reacting against tendencies you see in yourself. If that's the case, maybe a little soul-searching is in order. Are you really so blameless?

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Money is an emotionally charged subject, so you need to exercise tact when discussing it. If you don't think a loved one is responsible enough with funds, you need to create a new financial strategy together. Whether that means setting spending limits or cancelling credit cards is up to you. The important thing is you are honest, compassionate and constructive towards your beloved. Acting like a stern authority figure will only create resentment.

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Resist the urge to pull rank on a partner who is feeling vulnerable. You're better off dealing with each other as equals. True, you may be more capable in certain areas, but that doesn't make you the ultimate authority on every issue. Perhaps you are hiding your true feelings behind a wall of self-assurance. Admit you are vulnerable and ask for help. This will create a much more productive - and romantic - dynamic between you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You have powerful reservations about doing certain kinds of work. It's better to voice your opposition than to go against your conscience. Be willing to discuss the problem with your employer. You could be handed alternate duties that don't interfere with your principles. In the event you can't reach a resolution, start looking for a new situation. The health and human services industries are good places to explore. Keep your eyes and ears open.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're convinced you know a better way to do things, but hold on a minute. It may be more important to prove you can play by the rules than to dazzle people with your superiority. Instead of fighting the status quo, try to conform to it. Eventually, you'll notice authority figures are much more willing to grant you privileges and listen to your opinions. Channel your rebellious instincts into a creative project.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you find your employer's behaviour intolerable, you need to confront them. Otherwise, your professional problems will start leaking into your private life. You have a right to be treated with dignity and respect. In the event your boss isn't willing to reform, you need to find a better position. This will restore your sense of power. If you need help building your confidence, turn to a compassionate relative whose advice you respect.

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