
Don't be ruled by fear. You have a chance to climb the ladder of success, but it will require courage. Take a deep breath and make a bold move. Apply for a promoted position. Go for a new job in a new field or launch your own business. At times, you will feel like you made a terrible mistake. Push these emotions aside and soldier on. Learning to master your misgivings will be empowering. It's better to try and fail than be paralysed by anxiety.

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Friends are being too demanding. You have a right to your own tastes and pursuits. If they insist on seeing a movie or going to a particular restaurant that doesn't interest you, don't go. Cater to your own desires instead. Taking an advanced course in your favourite subject is strongly advised. Not only will you enjoy being immersed in this fascinating world, but you'll also meet some fascinating people. It's important for you to talk with those who share your interests.

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You're unrealistic about your professional prospects. If you're going to land your dream job, you must acquire more practical experience. This may involve working as an apprentice or accepting an internship. Although you won't get paid very much - if anything - you will acquire valuable skills during this stint. Once you've paid your dues, you'll be able to work for a company that treats its employees very well. Not only will you earn a good salary, but there will be impressive perks, too.

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Someone who pretends to have all the answers has bad motives. Don't fall under this charmer's spell. They'll ask you to work for them, but you shouldn't be subservient to anyone. It's better to form an equal partnership. Team up with someone who has an impressive track record in your desired industry. Together, you'll make impressive strides with a business venture. You should be in charge of attracting clients and developing products and services. Let your other half deal with the financial and practical aspects of this venture.

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Keep a close eye on your bank account and credit card statements. Immediately flag any unusual activity. By protecting your financial interests, you'll protect yourself from fraud. Is your business or romantic partner irresponsible with money? It may be best to maintain three funds: Yours, Theirs and Mutual. That way, your hard-earned cash will not be squandered. Automatically divert a percentage of your pay into your personal savings. This nest egg will allow you to enjoy the luxuries that are so dear to your heart.

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Putting a loved one on a pedestal will be cause for disappointment. It's important to recognise your amour's flaws as well as their strengths. Don't entrust them with chores that are beyond the scope of their ability. When your expectations are fair, your relationship will flourish. Are you single? It may be because you are seeking an ideal that doesn't exist. Evaluate people on their unique qualities, rather than a fairy tale image you developed as a child.

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Partying all day and night is taking a toll on your health. It's time to scale back your social schedule, even if it means missing a few parties. Going home straight after work, eating a nutritious meal and retiring early will recharge your batteries. Once you start winding down, it will become easier and easier to make healthy choices. Instead of yearning for late nights, you'll look forward to relaxing evenings with a good book. Don't worry; there will be other chances for fun.

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A creative block is driving you to distraction. Instead of trying to force ideas, turn your attention to mundane chores. A brainwave will occur while you're washing dishes, doing laundry or chopping vegetables. Be prepared to change gear when inspiration strikes. It will be such a relief to work with confidence after a prolonged period of struggle. A self-promotion campaign will be successful. You know exactly how to appeal to your audience. Offering products that are useful, beautiful and well-made will attract a loyal clientele.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Ignoring a serious domestic problem will make it worse. It's time to face the facts. If your current abode no longer serves your needs, start looking for a new place. A home that requires extensive improvements will catch your eye. Doing these repairs yourself will be a welcome challenge. You'll enjoy integrating new materials with classic styles. Don't worry about financing this project. You can negotiate generous terms with a lending institution. Driving a hard bargain will result in an impressive deal.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Be precise about your plans. When you are unsure of your direction, you'll waste valuable time. You have an opportunity to travel and study. Instead of waiting for good luck to strike, seek it yourself. Book a trip, enrol in university or hire a tutor. If you're going to fulfil your potential, you must take risks. Expanding your horizons will help you discover abilities you never knew existed. Take a deep breath and venture into unknown territory. You won't be sorry.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Although you're not materialistic, it's important to recognise the value of money. Practicing fiscal responsibility will allow you to devote more time to the activities you truly love. It doesn't matter whether this means applying for a pay rise, increasing your fees or landing a better paid job. The important thing is to raise your income to a level that gives you a measure of comfort. Working for a government agency, hospital or university will be very lucrative. Not only will you get a good salary, but you'll receive a decent retirement plan.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Be realistic about your prospects. You won't be able to reach your goals if you keep giving your power away to others. Stop pouring all your energy into a romantic relationship. Instead, start pursuing a childhood dream in earnest. It doesn't matter if you want to write a book, start a business or live abroad. You can accomplish anything you desire once you put your mind to it. Remain firm when discussing this plan with your best friend or romantic partner.

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