
Assuming a more public role is a bit scary, but it's the only way you'll find success. People look to you to challenge the powers that be. After all, you have enough courage for an army. Yes, you'll make some powerful enemies along the way, but at least you'll have the satisfaction of serving the underdog. In time, common sense will prevail, and you'll emerge the victor. At that juncture, your enemies will be eager to make amends with you.

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As a general rule, you'd rather let peace prevail than stir up trouble. This time around you can't stay silent about an ethical issue. It's time to challenge a bigot's assumptions in a public forum. People will be shocked by your outspoken behaviour, but will quickly rally to your side because just about everyone is sick of listening to this blowhard's narrow minded beliefs, but nobody has had the courage to challenge these assertions, until now.

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This is a terrible time to go into debt; interest rates will skyrocket, making it difficult to meet your bills. If you can't make your credit card payments, consolidate your bills. Pare down the interest rate, and make regular payments to a single creditor. It's easier to meet a single goal than trying to satisfy a series of obligations. A sexual taboo is stopping you enjoying intimacy with a romantic partner. A counsellor can help you overcome this hang up.

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You can't keep hiding your deepest desires from your partner. If this relationship is worth its salt, your partner will be able to hear the truth without turning against you. Be honest about your needs. Of course, you should broach the topic tactfully. Scathing criticisms won't go over well, but helpful suggestions will. If you're single, it may be because you aren't being honest about what you really want from a romantic partner. Be willing to face the truth.

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Beware of going to extremes with a health program; when it comes to fitness, slow and steady wins the race. If you want to lose weight, pursue a sensible diet rich in lean protein, leafy green vegetables, and fresh fruit. Keep carbohydrates and fats to a minimum. Supplement your nutritional plan with regular exercise, whether it's a long walk at lunch or a leisurely swim after hours. Even gentle movements will yield results over time.

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Normally, a logical person like you doesn't put great stock in romance. Now you're starting to realise what all those sappy movies and books are about. An attractive newcomer has seized your imagination and it's virtually impossible to stop thinking about their charms. If you're already in a relationship, beware of being led astray. You need to channel your energy towards reviving your partnership. If you're single feel free to pursue the object of your desire.

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Big changes are occurring on the home front. One of your relatives may be getting married or having a baby. Alternatively, you might have to move away from your family to attend university or get a job. Whatever the transformation, it will reveal some hidden talents. You may discover a passion for building things, whether it's model airplanes or handmade furniture. Don't worry about making mistakes at first. It's all part of the process of becoming an artisan.

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You have a terrific influence on your loved ones, so be careful what you say. A sarcastic remark could be taken seriously, putting a strain on your relationship with a relative or neighbour. If someone tells you of an exciting plan, offer your support. The last thing your friend needs to hear is a long list of all the things that could go wrong with their proposal. If you need to make some extra money, you could talk your way into a teaching job.

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A get rich quick scheme isn't worth the time or effort. Yes, you'll yield a temporary profit, but eventually, your professional reputation will suffer. Do you really want your good name to be associated with a shoddy product or service? If you think your employer is up to no good, look elsewhere for a job. You could find a worthwhile position at a bank, property management company, or government agency. Don't be afraid to change industries if you've become bored with your present line of work.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're a lot more assertive than your nearest and dearest. Sometimes people feel like you never consider their feelings. The next time an argument breaks out, try back pedalling a little, even if it means letting a misguided relative take the lead. You've got to let people make their own mistakes. Strangely, once you yield the driver's seat to someone else, you'll realise your own ideas were slightly off kilter. Prepare to learn something new today!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Secret enemies are working behind the scenes to make life difficult for you. You didn't necessarily do anything to incur this wrath. More likely than not, your rivals are probably jealous of you. What they don't realise is you work hard to maintain friendships and develop your talent. Everything you have is a direct result of your diligence. If you sense some coldness between you and your lover, ask what the trouble is. Your amour may have bought into some false rumours.

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Joining a church, club, or creative group gives you a dose of courage. In the past, you felt like you were an outcast. Now you've found people who appreciate your point of view, you realise you can accomplish great things. Instead of having your ideas met with stony silence, you'll find people who support your plans and are willing to put them into action. Relatives may be jealous of your newfound friends, but it's only because they feel shut out of your life.

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