
Imposing your beliefs on others will create a great deal of resentment. Avoid topics such as religion and politics like the plague. They shouldn't affect your friendships, anyway. A female relative could be wearing on your last nerve. It may take every ounce of strength to keep from throttling her. Consider why she is pushing your buttons. Maybe you need to come to terms with a wound inflicted on you as a child. These grudges only drain your energy.

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Problems involving somebody else's money, insurance, or taxes could weigh heavily on your heart. Don't depend on this sum to pull you out of debt. You're better off generating your own income. Contrary to what you might think, you have the talent and ability to earn a great deal of cash. It's all a matter of having confidence. Self doubt is your worst enemy. Monitor your inner monologue for negative messages. Replace them with affirmations, even if they sound sappy at first.

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Don't let yourself be dominated by a powerful figure, no matter how much you admire this person. You've got to obey your own instincts with regard to a legal matter. Your disobedience could result in an angry confrontation. Be prepared to stand your ground. Onlookers may criticise your behaviour and try to drive you from the group. If you are forced to choose between listening to your conscience and pleasing the crowd, pick the former every time.

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Being kind and considerate towards your peers is essential to your success. While you may have more knowledge and experience than everyone else, you possess only one pair of hands. You need help to get a project off the ground. And while your colleagues may be a bit clumsy at first, they do have promise. Offer praise and encouragement instead of criticism. Beware of resorting to underhanded tactics, or they will be exposed, and your reputation will suffer.

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A desire to please a love interest could prompt you to do something beneath your dignity. Before you put a plan of seduction into action, consult your conscience. This isn't a good time to take a gamble, be it financial, emotional, or spiritual. Be as open minded as possible with regard to a woman's religious beliefs. Although her views seem perfectly ridiculous to you, she takes them very seriously. Give her the respect every human being is due.

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A power struggle at home could spill out in public life. A loud argument in a restaurant or store fills you with shame but was this outburst the only way to draw your attention to a growing problem? You do have a tendency to avoid conflict. Perhaps one of your family members forced this confrontation because she had no other recourse. The temptation to break off a close relationship should be resisted at all costs.

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Don't do anything behind a neighbour or sibling's back, or you could live to regret it. You need to be above board in everything you do, especially if it's going to affect the people around you. Of course, you may have to adjust your plans in order to accommodate them. That's the price you have to pay for being part of a community. Never fear; there will be compensations for your consideration. Be tactful when dealing with an emotional woman.

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You could earn more money if you pursue a legal matter, but is it really worth the trouble? People will think better of you if you take the high road. Sometimes it's better to preserve your reputation as an honourable business person than squeeze every last penny out of a financial arrangement. Don't operate heavy machinery if you are angry or tired, as accidents are likely. In fact, it's probably best to put off all dangerous work for another day.

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A headstrong attitude could drive a wedge between you and a business or romantic partner. You need to be a little more flexible when working with this person. Just because their methods are different doesn't mean they are less effective. Focus on the results, rather than the means. Sexual jealousy could rear its ugly head tonight. Don't jump to conclusions if you see the object of your affection talking with someone else. It all could be perfectly innocent and probably is.

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Secret enemies could cause problems, especially if you assume a dictatorial attitude at home. It's vitally important you tread lightly with regard to domestic matters. You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. You'll have to muster every last bit of poise to deal with a difficult male relative. This man will want to oppose you at every opportunity. If you continue to appeal to his vanity, you'll be able to capitalise on his influence and talent.

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Money could put strain on an old friendship; it's possible an old chum resents your lavish displays of wealth. Alternately, you might feel like you can't keep up with a well heeled person's spending. An angry exchange with a neighbour or sibling puts you in a bad temper. It feels like everybody is oversensitive today. Consider how you may be contributing to the problem. Talk less and listen more. What you observe may surprise you.

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Working to advance your interests could fail miserably. You may be forced between improving your financial prospects and maintaining a friendship. Resist the temptation to walk over somebody who helped you to the top. Although this person may not be in the public's favour any more, he deserves your support. Indulging a lover or child's request for an expensive plaything could be a mistake. You're better off diverting their attention. Such luxuries rarely afford lasting pleasure, anyway.

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