
Someone is undermining your enthusiasm with constant complaints. Instead of subjecting yourself to these whiny remarks, set off on your own. This could result in a bitter breakup, but that's better than staying with someone determined to be miserable. You place great importance on relationships. Loyalty shouldn't come at the price of happiness. Move in a direction that feels right for you. Your partner will have to find another solution to their problems. It's not your responsibility to fix their life.

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You're more sensitive than usual, especially to a loved one's slights. It's time to address an ongoing problem that's been getting under your skin. Instead of remaining silent about the matter, bring it up when you're both feeling calm. The sooner you resolve this difference, the better you will feel. At first, your friend will be defensive. After explaining how their behaviour makes you feel, they'll relent and see the light. Give specific examples of things that have happened and how they've affected you.

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Making sense of a family argument will be difficult. It's as if two of your relatives are speaking different languages. They both want you to get involved to sort out this mess. A person who is very wealthy is trying to gain influence over someone who is powerless. You greatly resent these tactics and should say so. You may not realise it, but your opinion has a lot of clout. When someone knows you disapprove of their behaviour, they'll work hard to get back into your good graces.

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If you are going to feel valued, you should be compensated accordingly. It's not enough to have a fancy title or impressive list of responsibilities. Your employer has been taking advantage of your soft heart. Do some research into what is considered a good salary for someone doing your job. You will be shocked to discover you are being short changed. Make it your mission to correct this mistake. You can demand a raise, but it may be better to find a position at a different company.

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You're eager to embark on a relationship, but the object of your affection is dragging their feet. Instead of trying to overwhelm them with passionate displays, make a strategic retreat. Coming on too strong will cause anxiety and resentment. Enjoy some creative distractions while giving your amour space. Painting, writing or playing music will lift your spirits. If you've always wanted to act, take a course of study or join a theatrical society. Find a healthy outlet for your dramatic flair.

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Dealing with a bureaucratic organisation will be more difficult than expected. No matter how hard you try, officials will not listen to sense. It may be necessary to hire a lawyer as a means to appeal your case. Keep a copy of all your communications. When you speak with people, ask for their names and check the spelling. The more detailed your argument, the easier it will be to have an unfair rule overturned. Fortunately, you've always been very methodical.

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Don't let anyone tell you how you should feel about a particular issue. You've always been slow to form opinions. This brings pushy people out of the woodwork. Salesmen, politicians and con artists think they can get whatever they can from you. Stop being polite to these manipulators. You'll take the path that is best for you after considering all the options. Base your choice on a rational review of facts instead of a wild impulse. You've been blessed with a sharp intellect; use it.

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Be cautious about accepting a job offer that sounds too good to be true. You have impressive skills that can be leveraged into a great position. That's why it's so important to explore opportunities from every angle. You don't want to be a mere figurehead. You want to be able to make decisions and have meaningful input. If a company isn't interested in your leadership skills, look elsewhere for work. Don't worry; the right opportunity will become available. Be patient and discerning.

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People don't appreciate your honesty. Giving critical feedback will drive a wedge into a relationship. It's better to maintain a tactful silence. This is difficult for a truthful person like you. As far as you're concerned, nothing will be gained by putting up a false front. If you feel like you're always walking on eggshells with an oversensitive person, it may be time to part ways. Are you dealing with a colleague? Keep them at arm's length; their dramatic tendencies will only cause headaches.

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Someone who is trying to exert power and control over you will get a big surprise. You have no intention of being pushed around, especially on the romantic front. If someone tries to commit emotional blackmail, you'll send them packing. Don't feel pressured into paying their bills or acting guarantor for a loan, either. You take great pride in practicing fiscal responsibility. Certain opportunists think that makes you an ideal target. Prove them wrong. It may be wise to upgrade your passwords and lock up your credit cards, too.

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Getting to know a newcomer will be more difficult than expected. You're dealing with someone who is extremely private and defensive. Try not to be offended by their standoffish behaviour. They'll become warm and receptive when they realise you just want to be friends. Continue to go about your business. Remain cordial when you see each other. Don't participate in nasty gossip sessions about this individual. Their attitude is off putting, but it's the result of low self-esteem, not nastiness.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're much more experienced than your colleagues, but that doesn't hold much weight. Everybody thinks of themselves as an expert. When you try setting the bar higher, you'll be ignored. This is a sign you have to find a more rewarding outlet for your talent. Spending more time on creative pursuits can be therapeutic. When you're not working with a team, you're able to make executive decisions without argument. This will come as a great relief. You're tired of compromising your standards.

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