
It's hard not to resent those who sit on their hands when you are doing all work. Consider whether you've brought this situation on yourself. Whilst it's true you've heaps more stamina than most zodiac signs, that doesn't mean you should keep volunteering for projects that are beneath you. Force yourself to scale down your duties, and try to enjoy just living for the moment. Sometimes you fill up your free time out of sheer boredom or restlessness.

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Seek closure on outstanding work before you go out to play. Duties never seem to end but at some point, you have to realise that you'll never be entirely free of duties or responsibilities. That means you have to make time for your favourite people and activities, and put ambition on the back burner. If you have a hard time letting go and enjoying yourself when there's jobs to be done, there's are remedies: practice and delegate.

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A glum outlook prevents you from savouring the many blessings you possess. No wonder you take your good fortune for granted and are too busy worrying about the future. Remember that anxiety is just a figment of the imagination it's all about what might happen. You're just as justified in assuming that the days ahead will be bright and sunny. Do yourself a favour, and focus on the here and now and, most importantly, be optimistic.

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A weird desire to be alone cuts into what could be a very pleasant time. Although you're tempted to forgo social gatherings in favour of a quiet evening at home, you'll miss out on meeting someone who could be so good for you. Once you wade in to the crowd, you'll be splashing happily away with the gang. Don't get into the habit of hiding from the world. Deep down inside, you need the company of friends and family to be absolutely content.

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Group activities are taking you away from money-making pursuits, isn't it time to sort out your priorities? Though your financial concerns may be genuine, it is much more important to establish yourself as a team player. You never know when you'll meet or make a friend who can help you in some material way. Stop thinking that you have to work like a fiend to find job opportunities. Sometimes a simple phone call or networking is all it takes.

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Worrying about what the neighbours will think is daft you won't change their mind. At some point, you'll have to own up to your likes and dislikes, whether they are popular or not. Actually, people will admire you more when you admit to having a variety of surprising interests. In the final analysis, there is no such thing as high or low culture; all that matters is what turns you on. Put your passions on display and wear your heart on your sleeve.

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Your firm beliefs about how things should be run and how others should behave will cause havoc. Unfortunately, your black-and-white attitude could be causing you tremendous unhappiness. Instead of busying yourself with everybody else's business, focus on your own needs. Perhaps you haven't been living the way you'd really like to, and this is causing you to pass judgment on everybody else. Give yourself - and everybody else - a break.

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A sense of injustice pervades your day as you're handed the thin end of the wedge. You believe you have given far more effort to a group cause or collective effort, or think your status demands a greater percentage of the cake. Whatever the situation, speak up now. It will be more difficult to make a good case for what you're owed when everybody has been given what they' consider to be their fair share. In future, make your demands clear from the start.

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Living up to a person's expectations is wearing on your nerves. You've always been a free spirit; so expecting you to follow an arbitrary set of rules is ridiculous. Put an end to this sham and start behaving according to your own beliefs and principles. If this causes a rift with someone you care for, you may want to consider whether the relationship is worth pursuing in the first place. In this world you must be true to yourself.

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You're more tired than usual, which interferes with your daily enjoyment of life. Maybe it's because things have become too predictable. Gather up all of your energy and launch a fresh project today. Soon, you'll see your fatigue melt away, only to be replaced with excitement and enthusiasm. Your physical strength is reliant upon your mental state. Give your body the intellectual stimulation it craves.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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An allegedly fun activity bores you to tears; you can't figure out what is wrong with you. Perhaps it's the fact that you are sublimating all of your desires for that of a loved one or folks around you. Whether this person is a friend, child or lover is immaterial. There is no reason for you to keep putting your needs on hold for their sake. Take some time out to do the things you really love to do or you'll end up cutting yourself from those around you.

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Submerging yourself in hard work gives people the wrong impression about your humour. You're sick and tired of people asking, "what's wrong?" It's how you feel that matters. One piece of astro-advice: break up your day with amusing pursuits. This can actually make you more productive, because it will be easier for you to cope with difficulties when your own feel-good factor is fed. Take care not to snap at someone close; they're only concerned about your happiness. Why is it will always hurt the ones we love?

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